Bacteria are among the smallest and most common in soil germs.
Properties of bacteria
Some types of bacteria are very sensitive and can be killed by small changes in the surrounding soil.
Other species are extremely difficult to resist
Excessive heat, cold or drying. Others may extract nitrogen from the air agree can break down or toxic microbial populations within days in response to changes in soil moisture to increase the soil or carbon substrate temperature or shrink.
Bacterial species
Bacteria play an important role in the decomposition of organic materials, especially in the early stages of decomposition when moisture levels are high. Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens are examples of bacterial degradation. The additions of these bacteria do not show, accelerate the formation of fertilizer or humus.
The nitrogen
Leguminous plants were inoculated with Rhizobium Nitrogen bacteria in seed on the ground. These nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in special roots nodules in legumes such as clover, beans, medicine etc. gas protuberances extract nitrogen from the air and convert it into forms that can use plants. Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Agrobacterium, Gluconobacter and Flavobacterium Herbaspirillum are examples of living free nitrogen-fixing bacteria often with non-legumes.
Suppressing diseases
Bacillus megaterium is an example of a bacterium that has been used in some cultures to suppress the Rhizoctonia solani disease. Bacillus subtilis was used to infect Sunflower seedlings caused by Alternaria helianthi for sedation. A number of bacteria in the world trade to suppress the disease.
Aerobic and anaerobic
Aerobic bacteria are those that require oxygen, then, where the soil is well drained, tend to dominate aerobically. Anaerobic are bacteria that do not need oxygen and find toxic. This group includes the species of very old bacteria living in the soil of aggregates. Anaerobic bacteria favor wet floors and poorly drained and can produce toxic compounds that limit root growth and predispose to plant root diseases.
Help slow down these soil bacteria to break down humic and humic acids to the ground. Radiobacteria prefer non-acid soils with pH above 5. Sulfur oxidants contain many mineral soil sulphides, but this form of sulfur is widely available for plants. The bacteria can Thiobacillus sulfate-adsorbing sulphides in a form of sulfur using the plants.
Management of bacteria
Although largely unaffected is pressed by culturing bacterial populations from dry conditions, acid, salt content, soil compaction, and lack of organic matter. If the population of soil bacteria is low, probably because conditions are unfavorable, so new additions are likely to have the same chance. A more effective approach to managing bacteria:
• Health problems Address the soil, such as acid and thickening
• Ensure good grass or grass cover
• Build organic matter through practices such as green fertilization, protective layer, planting and minimal grassland strategy. Each of these measures has many advantages and will also support healthy populations of soil bacteria. Poor drainage promotes unwanted anaerobic bacteria. Reduce compression and build organic matter in the soil, improve water penetration without affecting the maintenance of moisture and prevent anaerobic bacteria.
Basic points
• Soil of bacterial populations is changing rapidly depending on humidity, season, crop type, protective layer, etc.
• A healthy population of soil bacteria promoted by soil and organic matter coverage.
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