The test station of the device has undergone several technological advancements over the past decade. Researchers now have more options to choose from, which is an advantage, but effective comparison can only block units polling station before buying. Fortunately focus on five main features can make a simple comparison is accurate.
1. With the growing popularity of cryogenic measures the time consuming wiring on a wafer device is no longer needed. Current platforms used for displaying and query various electrical appliances tiles. Apparatus rigid access optical probe can transmit heat sensing arm loads for the device for testing. To minimize this effect, it is important that the unit test station has a type display or to reduce the thermal radiation in the sample other technology.
2. Compare Another feature prior to a purchase of test station unit is the ability to automatically make measurements of variable temperature. Traditionally, the probe arms are anchored to the sample table, and moves the probe tip to the extent that the sample stage heats. This makes it difficult to automate the measurement variable is temperature, since the probes are raised to a noticeable transition temperature and reembarcadas be. The ability to create a stable final position, which allows the continuous measurement is critical.
3. The handles of the appliance should be compared inspection. Most units offer a variety of sample holders to choose from. Popular choices include a sample well grounded sample holder co-axis and insulated sample holder, although some additional options are also available.
4. The vision system control units is vital to compare before buying. Depending on the experience of the vision system level of detail provided varies. Therefore, researchers should take into account current experiences and future needs, when we compare the vision.
5. Comparing the last operation before the purchase of credits of the test station is the flexibility of the system. As an additional test station units adaptable and modular, to continue to expand the overall flexibility and search capabilities.
Significant financial investment in consideration required to purchase a quality point of collection station is not surprising how much time and resources are used to accurately compare the available options.
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