Sleep Apnea An Overview You Do Should Know
Sleep apnea is a frequent nighttime breathing disorder that affects over 15 million Americans. Sleep apnea affects men and women of all ages; Even children can suffer from sleep apnea. Without treatment can live with the disease causes significant complications, including daytime sleepiness, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, mood disorders and malfunctioning day. Most people who sleep apnea do not realize they have the condition; Even if your sleep is often interrupted during the night. People from sleep apnea sufferers often restricted to night because of oxygen or awaken completely cut off. If people suffering from sleep apnea agree that normal breathing is restored; But do not come to a full alert status. In sleep apnea may temporarily stop breathing or become flat overnight during sleep hundreds of times.
One symptom frequently reported in association with sleep apnea is daytime sleepiness, is sometimes so extreme people at work reported random or while driving. Other common symptoms are lack of concentration and poor mental agility, which can cause poor performance in work and unfulfilled life. In Greek "apnea" means "without breath." There are two types of sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is the most common and central sleep apnea. The cause of obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the airway is blocked at the back of the neck. The same course of events also causes snoring, although not all people who snore obstructive sleep apnea. This persistent airway obstruction may occur several times per hour to repeat the course of events during the night, resulting in a fragmented sleep.
Central sleep apnea occurs when your brain can not send impulses to the body to breathe. The central sleep apnea is of the central nervous system which regulates the body the name of the required functions. Can people suffering from heart failure or other heart and lung diseases develop, and central sleep apnea.
Who apnea affects ...
Obstructive sleep apnea can men and women at any age, even children develop sleep apnea. Men have a higher risk. Obstructive sleep apnea can occur in families, suggesting that there may be a genetic component.
How apnea affects the body and mind ...
There are many different effects on sleep apnea may have, both physically and mentally, from mildly irritating to life-threatening. One result is excessive daytime sleepiness.
Signs and symptoms ...
A common sign of obstructive sleep apnea is a pain in the neck or in the morning after waking. People with central sleep apnea may experience many of the same symptoms that people with obstructive sleep apnea.
If you are suspicious, you have sleep apnea or suffer frequent symptoms, see your doctor. Your doctor may suggest that you do a sleep test to determine the cause of their symptoms; The test typically includes one or polissomnograma latent Multiple Sleep Test. A polissomnograma electrically monitor the heart rate, respiration and muscle activity during a night's sleep. A sleep specialist and your doctor will consider electronic records created. A latent Multiple Sleep Test (MSLT) measures how long it takes to fall asleep or if you are unable to sleep, when normally be awake. If sleep apnea is detected during the sleep study, you may be asked the most appropriate treatment, to recognize in more tests back.
What to expect ...
Sleep test is usually performed in a sleep centers or hospitals. Your room is to monitor the information gathered from polissomnógrafo near the monitoring area where the technicians sleep. If you sleep too eager technicians will attach tracking devices. Record a video Techie sleep while you sleep your movements during the night or to record the number of times the observed shift during normal waking hours.
There are several treatment options for sleep apnea range from conservative treatment for a large company.
The most common treatment is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Some people with obstructive sleep apnea, see your treatment for dental products. These devices are specifically designed to keep the airway open during sleep. Dentists who have a specialty with obstructive sleep apnea is to adapt the device to the carrier.
The surgery is an option for the treatment of sleep apnea as well. People with sleep apnea may be advised to make lifestyle changes. Your doctor for evaluation if you believe you have experience, as stated in the night the above symptoms such as daytime sleepiness, snoring and gasping, morning headaches or waking Only a trained health care professional can diagnose sleep apnea. Your doctor will evaluate your sleep problems and may refer to a specific sleep who has special training in sleep medicine.
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