Make Beef Jerky Smoker in Here
If you learn how to make beef jerky in your smoke all unstable bypass recipes that call for liquid smoke. Beef jerky smoking is authentic as jerky.
Outdoors jerking a smoker to make closer to the old pioneering method. This is when the meat to be cured and dried, long distances to eat.
Choosing beef jerky for smoking
Select the meat you use to cut the same, regardless of the method you can create jerky.
Fat will not dry and will make your jerky rancid quickly.
Most parts of O-animal meat does very well. Is a cutting muscles without connective tissue and has little internal fat and any external fat is easy to cut.
You can buy a simple cut for round steak into strips, but I usually buy a roast round eyes and have my thick slice Metzger 1/2 inch. So I cut the fat and cut the slices into strips.
For this recipe you will need two liters of blood.
Jerky marinade of smoked meat
Note: This recipe chopped smoked meat requires a lot of black pepper.
1 cup soy sauce
4 tablespoons pepper
cider vinegar 1 tbsp
1 pinch of pepper sauce
1 dash Worcestershire sauce
Combine soy sauce, black pepper, apple cider vinegar, pepper sauce and Worcestershire sauce in a nonreactive bowl. Mix the ingredients well and add the beef strips.
Add the strips and marinade in a resealable plastic bag. Place the bag in the refrigerator overnight.
Smoking Jerky meat
Fill the pan fire your smoking with charcoal and lit it. Wrap punch a few pieces of wood of your choice to severe and some holes in the foil sheet.
Remove the marinated strips of meat from the refrigerator and dry as you can with paper towels. If your charcoal is ready to add bundles pieces foil smoking wood charcoal.
Simply just want to smoke the meat, not to cook.
Place the strips of marinated grilled meat, so as not to overlap. Smoked beef jerky cow to be done, if the edges appear dry with only a slight humidity odor in the center of the disc, about 6-8 hours.
For a lighter smoke flavor can check the oven with smoking removing meat after two hours and drying finish.
How to make beef jerky in your smoke!
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