Maruti Wagon R Price and Variants

Maruti Wagon R Price and Variants Reviews

The most popular hatchback Maruti Wagon R has a good market position in the small car segment. This car is great for shopping. Maruti Wagon R is available several variants such as Wagon R LX BSIII DUO, DUO LXI BSIII, LX BS IV LXI BS IV VXI BS IV VXI BS IV with ABS and LXI CNG.

Take a brief description of each variant Wagon R price and features.

Maruti Wagon R LX BSIII DUO Features:

It is equipped with the 1.1L petrol engine and comes with manual transmission 5-speed with LPG kit. This award Wagon R is around Rs. 342,157.

Wagon R LXI BS IV:

This variant is also fitted LPG kit but also has some additional features like cloth door trim, chrome finish in instrumental panel, silver finish in inside door handles, electronic power steering, power windows front, warning lamp driver seat belt, etc. This Wagon R Price is around Rs. 330,744.

Maruti Wagon R LXI BS IV features:

Improved and characterized cloth door trim variants, chrome finish in instrumental panel, silver finish in inside door handles, etc. This Wagon R Price is around Rs. 360,305.

Features Wagon R VXI BS IV:

Additional features offered by this variant are inflatable double srs (optional), ABS (optional), security system, exterior door handles color bodywork, etc. This Wagon R Price is around Rs. 384,244.

Maruti Wagon R VXI BS IV with ABS functions:

This variant offers all the features similar to the previous model. This award Wagon R is around Rs. 414,992. This award Wagon R is around Rs. 11010 4.

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