The BlackBerry Pearl 3G, A New Form Factor For Blackberrys

There is no doubt that the BlackBerry are the market leaders in the market of business smartphones, a range of device tends to be quite similar in design, with a one-size-fits-all mentality, with a large QWERTY keyboard and wide screen. This is good for the business user with handy folders or large suit pockets, but not particularly mobile in more casually dressed. To meet this need, RIM designed the BlackBerry Pearl, which transformed the regular BlackBerry experience in a mobile factor as candybar.

The new BlackBerry Pearl 3G updated design, providing all the emails and useful features messages from the BlackBerry range in a traditional candybar design with a standard alphanumeric keypad, and add 3G connectivity. The Pearl 3G uses its own RIM SureType predictive algorithm to allow users to type quickly and accurately posts, and comes with the encrypted BlackBerry push email and standard account the characteristics of the merged inbox.

It also makes an excellent music phone with a 3.5mm jack for headphones and regular checks of physical supports at the upper end of the phone. The BlackBerry Pearl 3G also features a 3.2 megapixel camera and LED flash capable of producing high quality pressures.
Owners of the BlackBerry Pearl 3G BlackBerry can access the dedicated store in both free and paid applications and games are available for download. The Pearl 3G comes with many standard applications, including dedicated Facebook and Twitter. The handset also has a GPS chip that allows users to enjoy Google Maps and other location-based applications. A bigger concern is the nature of the BlackBerry OS. The company's market may be more willing to overlook the lack of customization and basic, no frills setting menu page, but potential buyers BlackBerry Pearl 3G may have more commercial tastes, and the operating system current is far from competitive with iOS and Android tastes or apples in terms of user experience.

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