IPhone 3G Review

iPhone 3G

With the launch of the first iPhone, Apple's advertising campaign with the iPod has been extended with a mobile suit and ready to exchange media. For many people was a certain purchase, for others, the high price, limited 3G capabilities, and the few countries where the iPhone was released, the set aside.

With the iPhone 3G upgrade, however, Apple continues to play with the big boys. In the press release, our dear Steve launched with a price of $ 200 ..... pretty impressive.


Everyone today knows how an iPhone seems. The elegant and futuristic design is a joy to watch. It has a high quality, high resolution 320 x 480 3.5-inch display. Unfortunately, there is still a magnet for smudges and fingerprints. If you buy a white iPhone, however, fingerprints will not be seen so easily.

The iPhone comes in a standard black 8GB edition. People in the United States will be a little disappointed, because the iPhone 3G does not fit into the dock your device. Apple wants you to buy it separately. If you call on GSM, you can talk for 10 hours straight. If you do not call, you can listen to music all day (yes ... 24 hours) or check out the video for 7 hours. * Health *)

And with that comes a great improvement in the quality and volume, the first iPhone had a very low volumelimit ... to enhance the joy of listening to music or view videos without those little white things in their ears, they put in some better speakers.

It used to be about 2 megapixels, now Apple has doubled up to 3.2 megapixels !!


Easily, the most important addition to the iPhone 3G (and iPhone and iPod touch home) is the App Store, which finally allows users to push your phone to a piece of software, thanks to rigorous testing process developer and Apple software.

Some software are free and some is ... it is not free. Wikipedia a manga reader, game software business .... there are tons of programs out there for the iPhone.

The price ranges of the software, and can be purchased after you log in to your iTunes account; yes you must log into your account, even if you want to download the free software.

Big developing a type of collage is the keyboard on the touch screen, and Apple has not given more than their standard programs (such as SMS) greater ease of typing that comes with using the keyboard in landscape mode.


With the iPhone 3G, Apple has not made any new features you can not find in any other smartphone. 3G, GPS, messaging, internet ... these are not new things. But even the alleged killers being churned out weekly iPhone has not found a way to fight against usability and seamless integration of services and software, desktop and mobile, media and internet iPhone.
For the same price, you'll struggle to find a better piece of equipment for $ 200 (about 180 € in Europe)

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