$ 114 Kindle Why You Should Not Pay More Than $ 114 For Kindle

$ 114 Kindle devices are the way to make your best-selling product Amazon a little more accessible. So what if the economy has not improved? To really enjoy the low cost of this particular device Kindle, you should probably know the prices of the other two options Kindle. The most popular choice before the model was US $ 114 Kindle $ 139. This unit comes with an improved Wi-Fi, so you can surf the Internet and download ebooks using your wireless home network.

The second most popular option is $ 189 Kindle this version is compatible 3G, giving you access to wireless internet wherever you go. Playing with children on the beach? Take a break and connect to their 3G access for a time of fun browsing. The best part of the 3G function is that the price of $ 189 covered unlimited use of wireless cell tower. Certainly there is a problem with the Kindle $ 114, is not it? There is absolutely no difference between the $ 139 Kindle and Kindle $ 114, as well as the functionality and features go. Here's what the two devices have to offer to its customers:

    WiFi Internet connection is activated: Connect to your wireless network at home Amazon Kindle, either version of the set of $ 114 or $ 139 Use the keyboard below the screen to punch in the code key for your wireless network.

    Dull screen: Actually all Kindle devices have a paper screen. A display of paper, instead of the screen you get with a phone prevents you from getting any glare that is when you are in the light or the sun. On the downside, you'll need a light to read at night because it does not have that luminescent glow that your phone has. Amazon also sells Kindle lighted cover for this purpose.

    Physical keyboard: If you are not too keen on these small Skinny touch buttons on the screen of your phone, you'll be pleased to know that the $ 114 Kindle comes with a physical keyboard button that is separate from the screen. Although still no idea for fast typing, it is much better for people who often make typing errors on a flat screen.

light feeling not describe how to turn on the $ 114 Kindle feels when you pick it up. In fact, it is lighter than a book, and certainly a little thinner. There is no comparison between the Kindle and the iPad. The Kindle is certainly much lighter and easier to pack for a trip.

The main difference between the US $ 114 Kindle and Kindle $ 139

There is a big difference between the two types of Kindle that are identical. It is the fact that the $ 114 Kindle is technically the "Kindle with bids" that Amazon lists as one of its best sellers.

So here's the dealio with $ 114 Kindle with offers. Whenever you turn the unit "off", the screen does not turn off. The Kindle will attract many offers to turn the entire screen each time it is in sleeping position.

You will receive exclusive offers only available for the Kindle with proprietary offerings, like a huge percentage off of Best Buy or Amazon.com electronic gift cards.
You will actually save money in more than one when you get a $ 114 Kindle.

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