Why and How To Delete Internet History?

Why should you delete internet history

You may wonder why you need to delete internet history. The tracks of the hard drive of computer system and stores all you surf the Internet.
Web tracks refer to your activity tracing information on the Internet from the hard drive.

About Web Tracks
Web tracks store pieces of his journey into the world of the internet, tracing. For example, when you put an address in the Web browser address bar, you are sure to see several similar URLs appear as options below your address.

Web refer tracks as cookies, browser cache, history, address bar and auto-complete files. Anyone who uses spyware to bypass the security of your computer system can get the information from your Internet activity.

Software for clearing your internet history

There are several software applications and other security products available to help you clear web history. These software products, such as privacy controls, is a new technology of computer products. They are deliberately designed to delete Internet history, including the cache of Internet file, temporary files, Internet history, visited URLs, forms, records, completion of password files and Internet cookies. Also, you can delete the history of the internet as a manual process.

The manual process to delete your Internet history

Follow these steps to delete your web history in Firefox.

    First open Firefox
    Choose "Clear Private Data" from the Tools menu at the top
    Select one or more options "Clear Private Data" and click OK

Delete tracks Web in Internet Explorer requires that you open Internet Explorer.

After selecting "clear history", then click OK.

The first step to delete your history in Netscape Netscape is open.

    Then select Preferences, click Edit and the Open menu.
    Select Navigator below the category title
    Click OK, select "Clear History" in the history list.

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