The History Channel Movement Towards The Future

Many people spend hours watching and learning on television. It is the Discovery Channel, Science Channel, History Channel, wings, animal Channel and a number of others, and they are actually quite interesting to watch. Some say that if you looked at all the history channel programs you can learn about the school's history the highest of history teachers. You see Holographic Technologies are close to becoming reality and soon we can see holographic projections in our living rooms via computers and home systems, watch our shows in 3D, 4D and 5D.

Let's use of augmented and virtual reality in our 360 X-Box and Sony Play Stations in our own homes. We will communicate in business using holographic video conference full motion with the image of other people sitting next to us, but in fact does not exist. Imagine watching History Channel in the cockpit with Charles Lindbergh or sitting next to the historic outstanding at the signing of the Magna Carta; crossing the Delaware with George Washington or standing on the moon with Neil Armstrong when he uttered these famous words; "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!"

There is probably no better use of technology to educate our people in their own homes and thus make smarter and smarter all voters to prevent us from repeating the past and condemning our future in a cycle without end of our own follies.

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