The Conjunction of Venus Triangle, Mars and Jupiter

"Men are from Mars, Venus of women." Men are brutal charismatic if a defect, especially with regard to emotional problems, while women are attractive but emotionally unstable. Men and women the tempestuous characteristics, different from that they could well be other planets that is why it is strangely ironic that reflect the planets are compared. Gender battle is as iconic as the time still gravitate around her, melting like fire and ice. Fight like dogs and cats, also can not deny the mating call that both soft calls such as wind and rages like a violent storm.


Mars and Venus have a special place for men and women, it should be with great interest that the testimony of a celestial event, where the two planets are involved. Where three planets to set up a triple conjunction in a triangle formation on a 1 degree greenhouse. Venus, Mars and Jupiter will be in alignment and form a phenomenally sparkling triangle. Any telescope or reflection or refraction telescope will let you view this collection in all its glory.


Mars is about 4217 miles or 6787 kilometers, which is half the size of Earth, it has an atmosphere consisting of 90% carbon dioxide and is famous for its dusty red tint, which is simply caused by rocks oxidized and dust. Although very similar to Earth in some respects temperatures on Mars can be quite erratic, ranging from 20 degrees Celsius during the day humble for Arctic temperature of minus 125 degrees Celsius overnight.


Venus is the "star" shining in the evening and because of its brightness is often mistaken for a UFO. It has an atmospheric pressure 90 times heavier than Earth, with temperatures that can reach as high as 460 degrees Celsius.

The planet is covered by a sulfuric acid cloud cover which tend to reflect the spark flashes as causing Venus to glow.


Jupiter is another bright planet which can take up to 12 years to go around our sky and weighs about 318 lands. Jupiter has a series of craters and volcanic deposits that are attacking a striking resemblance to pizza, it is for this reason that Jupiter is a favorite of many astronomers.


The conjunction of Venus Triangle, Mars and Jupiter October 28, 2015 is a celestial event "not to be missed." Remember that you see little green men ... smile then run like hell.

Every year there are many fear inspiring celestial events.

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