Superpower China?

The rise of China Discussion, India and Asia generally ends the possibility of a new emerging superpower to challenge or even displace the hegemony of the United States. More importantly, the discussion itself does not seem to understand the real changes occurring in the international system. In this two part series, we see China emerging as a recognized superpower. Leaving aside the issues that would be admissible as evidence of the new status of superpower China, disappointing a bucket of cold water can be drained into the ratings of the current national power of China with a summary in the many full weaknesses country.

To be a superpower if we understand to be what the United States and the Soviet Union was during the Cold War, and the US was - or is - the cold after the war, surely the State should have a strong desire to promote political and economic model and abroad as the USA, the USSR, and in fact, the PRC were all committed to do during most of the cold war. China always prefers its national program. Indeed, the Chinese Communist Party's number one concern is intrinsically national, which is to preserve their own power. The preference for foreign assets and school children in different Western elite educational institutions do not suggest confidence either in the present or in the future of China. That this agreement is a fundamental objective of all of China's middle class, and would-be elites still underlines the lack of faith in China, and again suggests something different from itself supreme confidence of a true superpower .

Widespread distrust of the outside world and a powerful victim mentality which gives China a tendency to blame others for their problems also seems to mitigate any sense of China as an emerging superpower. This is rooted in a sense of history as promoted officially unveils a glorious empire once benign and tolerant suffered gross humiliation at the hands of ruthless expansionist foreign powers due to the acquisition of advanced technology. This view of history leaves China with a blind spot for the way others perceive and sometimes aggressive, expansionist and intimidation. This outrage China lends a particularly strident tone, self-righteous in pursuing their claims. South China Sea, for example, making it increasingly difficult to talk rationally with those who deny China's demands, and perhaps worse, creates enormous domestic political pressure to take a hard line so that the China is an increasingly considered weak or embarrassed by foreign powers.

China's problem is to attract serious allies should also be considered as a factor undermining its international power. Europe as a whole has also sought much to cooperate with the power of the United States. China simply does not have the same appeal to other major powers on the international stage, and is more likely to aggravate inspire admiration. The United States, of course, cooperate with the rise of China so far, but it is on condition that China does not dispute their direct interests. It is still the United States that educates the world elite in their universities giving you an unprecedented cultural power and that China is far from competing with. China simply do not offer an attractive alternative world view for global elites to embrace.

Another major weakness could be classified as largely economic. This may seem surprising given China's current dynamism compared to most of the rest of the world. This broad category, however, must still understand the economic crisis long brewing in China, as the great environmental damage are not yet registered, and suffered environmental damage ahead of the development model that is deployed and likely to persist for some time to come. Another major economic problem for China is its demographic evolution, as it becomes an aging country with a dependent and unproductive massive elderly population in the decade of 2020. The reality of the current difficulties of this rebalancing, massive financial inefficiencies that support economic system as it is huge and excess industrial capacity and manufacturing is another weakness, described on this site by Paul Harding.

China is unlikely to emerge as a Soviet-style superpower or the US, but at the same time, it contributes to a dynamic massive world power of transformation. American power in all areas, and economic power and European sales are in relative decline vis-à-vis various large rapidly growing economies of the developing world. Drop leads to anxiety, which leads to the discussion of the new emerging superpower, and China will certainly be a big part of any new structure, but it is only one aspect of a much more complex and multi-polar image. What follows is rarely what preceded and China is a symbol of this changing world. However, there will be global programs defining and ensuring the unilateral military commitments abroad has Moscow and Washington during the Cold War.

The next part of this series will examine what China is becoming, if not the superpower status that we understand this term. It was argued that China is far more defensive and insecurity that we portrayed it. The biggest concern of China is not to install the global hegemony, but rather to assert the independence of Western domination had on the international system over the past two hundred years.

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