Some of The Moons of Jupiter Popular

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is located about 500 million miles from the sun and its atmosphere is composed of 90 percent hydrogen, 10 percent helium, and some methane and ammonia. Besides the sun, Jupiter also emits heat in our solar system.

The most interesting part about Jupiter's many moons. According to astronomers, the planet has more than 63 moons, but the most popular are Sinope, Ganymede, Metis, Thebe and Europe. Four moons of the planet were discovered by Galileo in 1610. He called these moons Europa, Callisto, Io and Ganymede. Sometimes, these four moons are also known as the Galilean moons.

Ganymede: This moon of Jupiter has its name from Greek mythology, where Ganymede was carrying the cup. Ganymede is the largest moon of the planet and is the largest moon in our solar system. It is larger in size than Mercury and Mars. This moon was named by Simon Marius, who was an astronomer.

Europe: In Greek mythology, the Phoenician princess who could hypnotize Zeus was named 

Europe. This moon of Jupiter has red fissures features that intersect the surface. It is the fourth largest moon of the planet.
Io: Named after the woman who Jupiter, the Greek god, had fallen in love with. This moon is the third largest moons that Jupiter. Io is home to several volcanoes, active and responsible for the release of sulfuric acid.
Callisto: This is the second largest moon of Jupiter and named after the nymph who bewitched Zeus.

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