Psychic Conjunction Jupiter-Uranus

In September, an exact conjunction with Jupiter and Uranus will occur. This combination promotes visions, creativity and psychic development. Use this powerful day, from 1 GMT (This is 7 times Houston.) It is a great time to open and allow a freer, you magic to emerge. It is a time to be receptive to your intuition, to look for signs and messages. It is the perfect time to let the old and start dreaming creative and allowing psychic and spiritual visions. If you have a set of Tarot cards available, take The Fool (traditionally representing Uranus) and Wheel of Fortune (traditionally representing Jupiter). Meditate on the cards until something in particular emerges from each card. Allow these details to float around your head until they merge and form and a new image. This image can be used as a talisman to help empower your goals and desires.

Look for it in your dreams, in synchronicity, in the images around you as TV ads, posters, book illustrations, etc. The crystal ball can be used to represent the planets during meditations. Focus on the ball and let it grow more and more in your mind until it is large enough to enter. Once you have entered the heart of the planet, talk to him, with their minds, ask questions, try the pace of its existence. Use the time in the world to dream your dreams and let Jupiter and Uranus empower them.

No cards or crystal ball? Then look at the Jupiter and Uranus images. Meditate on their rings, their colors. Allow your energy to penetrate and deliver messages. If you allow the planets and their minds to talk to you, they can suggest revolutionary means to change your life or surprise by introducing new magic in your life and being.

This is the perfect day to act magically develop their psychic abilities and believing!

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