Philadelphia Phillies Favorite Paris Goes Bust In 2011

As fields of spring training Major League Baseball open for business in mid-February 2011, the highest expectations translate to finish, from the media in Las Vegas and offshore books for baseball fans almost everywhere they are for the Philadelphia Phillies to find the top of the world championship, they reached in 2008. After all the Phillies won the offseason Cliff Lee sweepstakes free agency and figure to have the deepest starting rotation in the quality national League and perhaps all baseball in a horse race with the Boston Red Sox for baseball in general distinction in this regard. However, there are compelling arguments against the Phillies even reaching the round showcase championship of the season, and we'll take a look at this ...

It is obvious that most of the issues surrounding a team entering a season, the positive result of the more dubious season the team, and the Phillies have a multitude of potential responses that undermine these issues. It short, Phillies manager Charlie Manuel is the worst manager in MLB now, and was one of the worst managers in MLB history throughout his tenure in Philadelphia, dating back to 2005. Well, let's take a look at the highly suspicious circumstances surrounding the World Series match-up of 2008 and the results between the Phillies and Tampa Bay Rays. Shortly before the series has been well publicized that Las Vegas and Nevada sports books have had a huge interest in a Phillies win the World Series results. It was revealed that "tons of paper", which means pre-season and early in the coming season to book paris 40-1 odds on Tampa Bay Rays to win it all, they were there, most potential fiscal responsibility, otherwise the devastation, the Nevada gaming industry.

What followed was one of the most one-sided "Fall Classic" arbitrate disasters ever seen on a par with the well-documented 1919 "Black Sox scandal", which directly led to eight players being banned baseball for life on an equal footing with the college basketball point shaving scandals of 1951 and 1961; and two officials from the NBA sanctioned duplication cut in recent years and with the arbitration. Insider corrections are the equivalent of sports Wall Street scandals of insider trading, and most conspiracies along these lines come to light over time and witness first hand, the surfaces in the end.

You can take the position that any evidence or testimony came to light involving the baseball umpiring in the World Series in 2008. Nevada has his way with Washington on that one, and a strong case can be made that Nevada and the Philadelphia Phillies and beneficiary, manager Charlie Manuel has also "won" the outcome of the World Series of 2008. At least this result remains contaminated and suspect.

Now let's take a look at the vulnerability Onfield Phillies go for the 2011 season, which will return to the hideous incompetence of his great Chief charlatan league. Witnessing the track record for the 2009 season, which was probably the only season managerial performance worst in MLB history. To start (in reality relievers), Manuel walked Brad Lidge closer sick upstairs, this manual makes all the major components of RPG. Manuel, returning to its boring "He's my guy," mantra, he refused to comment on Lidge as his closer in the face of compelling evidence that Lidge was not up to par, witnessed his major league high 11 blown saves to go with his stratospheric ERA incredibly 7.11 for the season.

No other grossly incompetent response performance management include Raul Ibanez, then 37, who was given just pause a game in August 2009, despite the fact that at 37, he was clearly tired and annoying injuries and suffering Ibanez disappeared in performance for plating only four RBI for the whole month. This to go with Manuel retention Jimmy Rollins in the starting position, despite the sub-.300 on base percentage of year compiled Rollins. A leadoff hitter actually comes to the plate for about 25 percent of the time that the first batter in innings total of his club, and a bust in this critical role is both to sabotage the chances of short-term and long-term a successful team as something else. Charlie Manuel to say that when a first base leadoff mass reaches the scoring potential for the MLB team rises to an average of 7.5 test nine innings, and fell to an average of 2.5 times for the nine dots where the leadoff batter in every inning is retired?

Ben Francisco? Keep dreaming. Prospect Domonic high strikeout Brown, sill report discomfort albatross? The aging Placido Polanco helplessly as five percent rate hike in 2010, showing significantly reduced range of signs in the field, this is your man corner 3B for 2011? And Shane Victorino, who failed miserably replacing Jimmy Rollins in the leadoff role for several weeks during the 2010 season, this is your alternative to starting position? Fact: during his tenure as the leadoff man surrogate last year, was the man Victorino seventh inning leadoff better team, just beyond Raul Ibanez, on the basis of total bases divided by outs.

And of course, Ibanez, LF pencil in the beginning, is now 39, first entered Halladay and Lee have their peak seasons, and age and injuries start to drop the basic talent team, Rollins- Utley- Howard triumvirate. And remember, the Phillies sported the best record in MLB in 2010, and came empty in October. Best estimate of this view is a 2,011 club win the overall regular season of about 90-92, and the second in the division with a team Atlanta Braves rapid and younger.

While the Phillies incompetent figure has succeeded again in 2011, it is doubtful that even a young Earl Weaver could steal this aggregation to the house. You can throw them out of the pool of paris which seem to be more attractive options along the lines of Atlanta, Cincinnati, and repeat scenario potential of San Francisco.

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