Pakistan China Relationship and The Development Of Infrastructure

China is a modern developing countries with good economic and political situation. China has very good relations with neighbors like Pakistan and Russia. China not only developed its own infrastructure, but also provides economic aid and military equipment to Pakistan, which is very important for Pakistan to develop its infrastructure and for its border and relations with India. India - China relations during the sixties is a good opportunity for Pakistan to get all kinds of tour in China. Any change in Chinese political and economic conditions have a major impact on the economy of Pakistan, China is the largest donor of military and development projects in Pakistan, such as ballistic missiles, JF-17 Thunder Gwader Port etc. Any reduction of China's economic growth level may reduce economic and military aid to Pakistan. Pakistan needs help from China in the development of cooperation in economic projects such as trade, energy and infrastructure development such as wearing Gwader etc.

Pakistan needs energy resources and nuclear power plants in China that Pakistan is facing an energy crisis. China can provide these types of energy resources in the fight against energy crisis in Pakistan with the development of infrastructure and economic aid. Chinese government burned some kind of infrastructure development projects with Pakistan that will benefit both countries to increase the management of trade and water resources. High percentage of China's development has had a positive effect on the Pakistani market, providing cheaper than American and European manufacturers. Pakistan receives benefits mainly from China - Pakistan relations and agreements, but there are negative effects of this relationship on the Pakistani economy at the micro level. Pakistani local manufacturers are unable to compete with Chinese manufacturers on price and quality that Chinese manufacturers produce products at very low prices that local Pakistani producers. Government of Pakistan also provides facilities for traders, who do business with China. Because of these reasons small Pakistani manufacturers suffer badly.

Pakistan has excellent relations with all your friends with China, which is positive for security and peace in the Asian region. China has very good relations with Russia and other countries, which can also bring positive effects on Pakistan, Pakistan can solve some of your problems with Russia and India, with the help of Chinese diplomats. China has supported the Gwadar Port project in all fields such as construction, financing and management. the port of Gwadar is the great symbol of Chino - Pakistan friendship in the new century. Gwadar port project was planned long ago, in 1993, after completion of its feasibility studies. Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji visited Pakistan in May 2001 and under - write the project Gwadar Port. March 22, 2002, Chinese Vice Premier Wu Bangguo visited Pakistan and laid the foundation of the Gwadar project. Chinese technicians and Engg. Chinese government has also invested $ 200 million for the coastal road to reach the port of Gwadar to Karachi. This project is very important and beneficial to both Pakistan and China. China has great interest in the blue waters of the Persian Sea and China has no port in the region. Gwadar port, it is also important for China to create a pearl necklace with strategic ports in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Burma and South China Sea etc, eighty percent of China's oil resources without these ports. This text may be the line of defense strategic management of oil and oil movement in China that will give China a forward base. This project is also to consolidate the growing strategic relationship between Pakistan and China in the economic and technical fields. All Pakistanis welcome the Chinese support the development of Gwadar port, as they really Sino - strong relationship of Pakistan in the presence of the US military around.

There were incidents of terrorism against the Chinese engineers working in the project of the port of Gwadar, which had precious lives, but China continues to support the project without any delay. Pakistani people and government are very grateful to the Chinese government and people for their support and assistance to ongoing projects for Pakistan's economy in all kinds of circumstances. China's support and assistance in the Gwadar Port project will lead to stronger Sino - Pakistan relationship in the future.

China has also played a very important role for the development of infrastructure in Pak mountains most difficult border - China called "Silk Road" and project the Silk Road This road network provided a huge opportunity. Pakistan now has 500 foreign companies, of which 60 are Chinese. Chinese companies are working to develop the sectors of infrastructure such as telecommunications, energy, mining and IT. Chinese companies are also working on high-level projects such as dams, solar energy and oil projects. Pakistani government also welcomed Chinese entrepreneurs who want to work for infrastructure development projects in Pakistan. I
n 2008, Pakistan had the highest level of activity in the infrastructure sector. Construction, housing, energy and development of energy projects were project with a total cost estimated at US $ 30 billion. Top priority projects include 969MW Nelum - plant Jhelum and Diamer Basha Dam, with a capacity of 4,500 MW. Pakistan and China have recently signed an agreement during the visit of President Zardari to Hydel power development projects with an estimated cost of $ 448 million.

ransport sector in 2008 benefited from over $ 900 million total project costs. To strengthen trade between Pakistan and China and with a plan to include other countries in the future, a project at a cost of $ 6.5 billion was launched, linking the north to ports in South. China also plays very important role in these projects with investment and technical assistance. China plans to use the transport sector of southern to northern Pakistan that connects directly to the Chinese side of the territory.

Pakistan - China relations increase with the joint development of infrastructure projects, which will save huge transportation costs for both countries. Infrastructure development takes as the backbone of the economic and trade development between the two countries. Pakistan desperately needs the help and experience of his friend and neighbor of China in the fields of energy, energy and infrastructure development. U
se of energy, energy and water pave the way for the construction industry and infrastructure in Pakistan. It is time Pakistan can play an important role in cross-border infrastructure, which will help Pakistan solve its biggest political crisis. China needs to analyze the division of funding these projects in Pakistan so that the estimated values ​​are used correctly and projects must be completed on time. It is very important for China and Pakistan that infrastructure projects are kept, analyzed and monitored for the development in a timely manner with high profits.

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