How To Play Field Hockey


The game of hockey or field hockey as it is sometimes called, originated thousands of years. Commonly hockey is now played on synthetic surfaces - especially at higher levels, such as the Olympic Games. In basic terms, hockey is a sport two teams see each team using sticks bent to move a small ball hard on the ground - with the ultimate goal of putting the ball into the goal.

The hockey teams

11 players form a hockey team, and each team is allowed up to five alternates.

The positions of hockey players

As well as the goalkeeper, positions in a hockey team can be classified as Defender, Midfielder and attackers. These are known as the "field workers" and while goalkeeper has a predetermined role, the players on the field usually stick to attack or defend, with midfielders to join in both roles!

Handling hockey stick

Stick handling, or "stick work", it is an essential hockey skills. A good hockey player should be able to control the ball, pass, shoot and dribble course. H
ockey sticks have a round side and a flat surface and the players are allowed to touch the ball with the flat side - that's why, at a high pace game, the stick-work of art is essential.

Air ball!

While playing hockey in general, players are not allowed to hit the ball in the air. The ball may be lifted by digging, but it is the discretion of the referee if a dangerous game. Players are not allowed to play the ball is above shoulder level, unless they are trying to block a shot on goal. Penalties tend to be higher as it is the most effective way to score goals.

Rules to mark the hockey

Scoring in hockey, it can be done in several ways: from a field goal, penalty corner or penalty stroke.

ield hockey goals

"Field Goal" refers to an open play goal that can not be made from inside the shooting circle.

Penalty Corners - Hockey

penalty corners are awarded when the defending team breaks a rule in the shooting circle. When a penalty corner, the game will be stopped and both teams are organized in their defense positions and attack. An attacker keeps the ball in the goal line, with the remaining attackers generally positioned above the cooking cycle. When the ball is pushed, it must leave the circle before shooting another attacker can touch.

Penalty Strokes - Hockey

Penalty strokes are usually given when a defender has made a mistake that prevented a goal scored. P
enalty strokes in hockey are similar to penalties in football, where the attacker shoots unopposed, with only the goalkeeper to beat. The Hockey "sanction" is seven kilometers to go.

ockey referees

There are two referees in each game of hockey - each controlling their own half and collaborate in decisions that occur in the middle. There is a card system 3 penalizing hockey players. A green card is represented by the referee as a warning to the player. A yellow card suspends the recipient for a minimum of 5 minutes and a red card for the player excludes the rest of the game - with the team unable to replace it with a substitute.

Sport Futures provides summer hockey camps for children of all ages throughout the summer.

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