Hoverboards Prototype With or Without Wheels

Hoverboards Prototype With or Without Wheels ~ Everyone knows skateboards have wheels and they could have imagined that hover boards will not need wheels; where are they going? If a hover card loses its air below or grounding mat that will settle back to earth, and when he touches the very fast ground and goes to the mat, then the driver will be arrested as he hit a rock on the sidewalk stopped its wheels. This deterred the driver and can cause injury or worse wounded pride of the rider. Board riders wheeled generally agility to avoid injury due to short breaks.
So the question is should hover future cards have wheels or should have wheels? The question is quite simple, but designers of future hover boards will decide to put the wheels.
Because the approval process for those engaged in the first technologies may be wise to have wheels in the first plates hover and sell people the transition facility. While doing so (adding wheels for the first production) performance will be lost in the array of hover and reduce the potential excitement for the driver. Over the hoverboard faster the turn and more fun.
It makes sense, if we want to develop plaques skate market waft we should take full account of the factor "WOW" the pilot if you want them to leave their current ironing wooden wheels for this new technology. We will also consider snowboarding to skiing and snowboarding as finally outgrew trend for skiing and revolutionized the sport.

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