Young stars are
giant spheres, cloudy active and turbulent, looking mainly boiling hydrogen
gas. young
stars Bouncy spring from violent eruptions, and are about 1000 times more
amazing in X rays as aging stars like our Sun Our Sun is a middle-aged star, who
lived nearly half her "life" stellar - and it
has slowed considerably since its wild, youthful ardor. Emissions
of bright X-ray young stars are supposed to be the result of violent magnetic
fields that lead their extremely fast turnover. Magnetic activity of a star allows you to
extend its astonishing influence well beyond its boiling surface. Stellar flares and coronal mass ejections
are magnetically induced events that can greatly influence almost alien worlds
- planets that orbit close to their parents and shining stars. Stellar
flares are giant eruptions of charged particles that are pinched by the hot
burning star surfaces.
It is well established that magnetic activity of a star depends on its speed - the higher the speed, the stronger its magnetic activity. However, the stars usually slow down - over time - that the angular momentum is driven by stellar winds. This is why middle-aged stars like our sun, slow down the passage of billions of years - that its rotation slows down, its magnetic activity decreases.
Children of Stars
Stars are born when dense bubbles secreted in very cold and dark interstellar clouds collapse under the heavy molecular weight of its own gravity. Giant, cold molecular clouds are the star nurseries, and many of them haunt our sparkling barred spiral Milky Way.
This rage, boiling fire will last as long as the assets, sparkling star baby lives - a star is born!
A large crowd of stars fire that populate our universe is composed mainly of hydrogen gas. Stars turn your hydrogen supply in atomic elements increasingly heavy, deep in their hearts fervent nuclear fusion. Planets are formed on a gas wheel and dust disk surrounding the new baby Fire Star called protoplanetary accretion disk.
The new observations suggest then that there was an alien planet candidate jumbo as large as our own solar system Jupiter, circling very close to its star, called 51 Pegasi. The newly discovered alien planet, aptly named 51 Pegasi b was located uncomfortably roasted 4.3 million miles from its star hot. The original technique used to discover exotic planets, called the Doppler shift method - less formal method called "balance" - favors large in detecting giant planets in orbit. The first alien planet to be discovered was 51 Peg b - but it was only the first of many new other hot Jupiters giant discoveries in tight, close-orbiting other stars.
Youth Source
The new study suggests that hot Jupiter maintains its young parent star if it is faster orbit its star rotates relative. Indeed, it will then transfer angular momentum to his star. This makes the star seems to be full of youthful enthusiasm - well it ages.
Dr. POPPENHAEGER and Dr. Wolk observed binary star systems in which a single star was known exoplanet. Five binary star systems with widely spaced stars sisters (over 100 astronomical units (AU) away, where 1 AU is the average Earth-Sun separation) have been observed in X-rays for each binary system, a star was known for being the father of the chance of a hot Jupiter mass wholesale - while the other star was known to be devoid of such a planet - and therefore served as the negative control. Astronomers used X-ray emission as a substitute for observing magnetically active stars. The star-sisters in each binary system were carefully observed by two X-ray space telescopes Chandra and XMM-Newton. The two sisters stars in the binary system should be roughly the same age. While the star having hot Jupiter was found to emit more X-rays than her sister, there would be no doubt that the hot Jupiter served as the fountain of youth to its star.
The five binary star systems used in the study were HD189733 AB, CoRoT-2 AB, AB Tau Bootis, Upsilon Andromedae AB and AB 55 Cancri. The results of the study suggest that, compared with the companion star, the father-world of a hot Jupiter is in fact running as fast a young active star.
Because Jupiter hot end loses angular momentum, it is doomed to failure. This study suggests that hot-Jupiters could inhibit the spin-down of their parent stars, with two potential mechanisms that may be responsible for the conduct of the process. One involves the transfer of angular momentum of the orbit of the hot Jupiter by tidal interaction - accelerating the rotation speed of the star following. The second proposed mechanism involves hot Jupiter opening a breach in the protoplanetary accretion disc during the first youth of his star. Dr. Wolk observed April 11, 2014 Sky & Telescope that "we believe the star to be younger than by many factors."
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