"The Hunger Games: Catching
Fire" is the long awaited sequel of the 2012 film "The Hunger
Games." The film franchise is based on the series of young
adult best-seller of the same name, and films reflected the huge success of the
1. Bestseller
to Blockbuster
All three books in the trilogy "The Hunger
Games" topped the list of best-selling New York Times, so it is not
surprising that "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" has also set some
records at the box office. Entering a cool $ 307.7 million in its opening
weekend, the film broke the record ticket sales in November in the US and
Canada. This impressive feat beat movies like "Thor: The Dark World",
another major competitor for action and fantasy genres.
2. Romantic connotations
While the first film ended with Katniss and Peeta saved temporarily by promoting themselves as a couple and make the romantic sympathies of the world, the second film promises to turn into a real love triangle. The film begins with Peeta volunteering as a tribute to help protect Katniss, Katniss volunteered to protect his sister in the first film. The public will be watching to see if anything pretending to be really passionate sparks genuine feelings between two all time favorite districts.
3. Dangerous accidents
Jennifer Lawrence, the lead actress who plays Katniss, is known for its special shapes and mishaps often clumsy. After the fall and landing in the face during an International Awards ceremony, the actress had several close calls while on the set "The Hunger Games Catching Fire :." Despite his penchant for accidents, the actress insists often do their own stunts.
The true science fiction fans will feel a sense of deja vu while watching the Capitol scenes in "The Hunger Games Catching Fire :." Most of the scenes were filmed at the hotel Atlanta Marriott Marquis, where runs from Dragon Con every year. Dragon Con is one of the most important conventions and most popular science fiction and comics in the world, with guest speakers and special exhibitions to popular science fiction and action movies like "the Hunger Games". Since the last young scientists fiction novels adult classic series like "Star Wars", the hotel has hosted so many science fiction legends is now part of action as a perfect setting for "the Hunger Games Catching Fire :."
5. The change of direction
Legendary filmmaker Gary Ross surprisingly refused a chance to return as director for the second installment of "The Hunger Games" movie franchise. Although many substitutions have been proposed, including Cronenberg and Bennett Miller, Francis Lawrence was finally chosen for the post. Lawrence, who shares the same last name as the lead actress of the film, is best known for his highly successful music, but it has an impressive film resume. He was behind the 2007 post-apocalyptic thriller "I Am Legend," starring Will Smith. The film is widely considered one of the best work of Smith and a fantastic addition to the genre of science fiction cinema with its unusual and fascinating atmosphere. Direction changes without notice to accidents on the set, "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" certainly overcome its challenges in the production process. However, the film has surpassed even the most optimistic expectations, surpassing the other, both critically and financially.
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