China As A Major Player In The Global Economy

China has experienced unprecedented economic growth over the past two decades. This growth has probably earned China the position of a major economic power in Asia. China is slightly behind Japan in economic might and slightly behind the US in purchasing power. In the world rankings, China is the sixth largest country twelfth largest exporter of products derived from commercial services, and the largest recipient of foreign direct investment. China's ascendancy was favored for its entry into the World Trade Organization at the end of 2001. Although there is some argument that the real growth of the economy of China is not as high the Chinese government has, however, there is little doubt China officially entered the world stage as a major economic player.

Certainly, China has become a major exporter of products in the world, this description, although exaggerated, is largely descriptive part of China's position in the global economy. However, this growth has been questioned by some experts and worried other Asian countries. The growth of China on the Asian market itself has grown steadily over the past two decades, a phenomenon in large part unmatched by any other nation in the world.

With other countries in Asia, as well as with countries outside the geographical area, Chinese exports far exceeded imports. This growth has fostered the investment industry and led to the influx of global capital to the nation's economy. Although China's exports are still a relatively small share of the total in South Asia, most experts insist that China will be the largest exporter of goods in the decade zones. The experts also noted a stable trade surplus with western countries such as the United States and the European Union are likely to support and encourage the economic growth of China.

Part of that economic growth was driven by the attractiveness of China as a tourist destination. Just as the rise in economic growth of China, the tourism market has also increased significantly. There was some concern that China's growth as an exporter of consumer goods may be other small exporters powerless on the global market for consumer goods.

However, some experts argue that this will not happen because the increasing globalization of the world market for consumer goods is likely to make other nations also competitive in the production and export of products such as communication technology and electronics and the production line exists in all nations, especially in the case of Southeast Asia, will be reinforced by the growth of countries like China and its ascendancy as an economic actor world. However, experts predict that, particularly in the areas of clothing and textiles, Chinese growth could lead to increased competition in the Asian Southeast market that can make competitive markets unable to follow. There is also some concern about the amount of funds that are flowing to China, as opposed to investments that go into other countries in Southeast Asia. China has a much larger share of foreign investment funds as their neighbors. Many experts note that most of China's growth has been the result of the opening of China's markets to foreign investors. Before the economic rise of China, Japan was the only country in Southeast Asia to be recognized as a global economic player and they also have the recipient of the most foreign investment funds.

However, as you can imagine, Japan has suffered financially due to China's growth in that foreign investors recognize the economic potential of China, most foreign investment funds have moved away from Japan and China. Furthermore, Japan had to decide to invest part of their capital in economic growth and market of China. Although they were reluctant to invest in China's growth in the past, can now be a growing trend towards Japanese investment in China, with the planned move of several Japanese companies. Some experts predict that growth in China will benefit its neighbors such as China begins to invest in other countries in Southeast Asia. In fact, China itself has said that economic growth should not be nervous neighboring nations, but rather should be a welcome part of the growth of the whole region like China to share the wealth.

While some people see the explosive growth of China as a recent event, it was a great time. Since China opened its borders to economic and physical investors in early 1990, the nation has been the recipient of much of investors worldwide, who were looking for new markets to invest. However, some experts predict that the general political instability in the region could be the decline in economic growth in China that these experts are wondering how long this growth can be sustained in particular to the detriment of the rest of the region. T
he rise of China in recent decades, a poor country with a stagnant economy was considered a huge success.

China was one of the few countries to achieve sustained economic growth, even during periods of economic depression. Some analysts insist that growth has placed China behind the United States as the world's total power and some even claim that the coming years may indeed see China overtake the United States as a major world power in all aspects, not only in economic terms. Indeed, the rise of China as a global player in the communications economy and open policy between China and the United States and with the rest of the world. China is now the second largest supply of US trade and many US investors have flooded China with investment funds of the United States.

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