China Means Business, But What Kind Of Business?

China Means Business, But What Kind Of Business You Want More?

If you are in business for yourself or run a business, you should not be reading more about China? Too many people are very willing to label China in one sentence, and they understand what China is all about - you can imagine trying to describe the United States in a sentence?
It was the largest migration in human history to Guangdong Province in rural China and other areas of the plant.
"Farmers made changes to China," by Kate Zhou Xaio 1996.
He suggested that China is dangerously competitive. Is now breaking into computers, automotive, airlines, aircraft manufacturers, and even the large pharmaceutical companies. China is already the largest manufacturer of electronics and computer China has over 100 cities with over 1 million inhabitants, while the US only nine. Today, China is seen as the factory floor of the world, it is our greatest economic threat also for the developed world and is also, paradoxically, the greatest opportunity. Real GDP of China, including its illegal underground economy is at least 15% more than some economists say. China has a huge underground economy that is often overlooked. The book also allows us to realize that 40% of all furniture that was made in the United States, some of which were for NAFTA is now all essentially in China.
China also ships, submarines, heavy equipment, trucks, cars, airplanes, satellites, rockets, and can build just about anything; just look at the Great Wall of China, or the largest dam in the world (Three Gorges) so that is nothing new. The United States is not alone in having problems - also consider China's effect on Canada, Brazil, Australia, Germany, Japan and Mexico. China trade imbalance with many first world countries.
In 2050, China could be two-thirds larger than the current US economy at current growth rates, which many believe is completely unsustainable; indicating that China is overheating, and can produce enough to power five times more than the US could buy. This means that China raises serious excess capacity problems faces.
In the mid 1950s, China copied as Stalin collectivism of the USSR in relation to animals, farms, land, etc. Finally, farmers create cash networks and private banking and because farmers were allowed to enter the business fast paced business. For example, as a belt factory closed in Massachusetts, 1,000 new belt factories opened in China, said the author. However, it's hard to beat the salary like many Chinese factories pay only $ 0.40 per hour.
Shenzhen-Hong Kongers financed and managed 30,000 plants attract about 6 million rural workers. China will need at least the same amount of energy as the United States, and in the end, probably twice.
Chinese week pollution standards for cars is even worse, they have no standards at all (at the time of publication of this book, some things have changed now), not to mention China does not have enough roads all the cars that are selling now. Many Chinese consider pet owners a sign of decomposition, it is past time to develop to have a pet. Entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001, China has changed everything forever, yet the Chinese trade barriers seem to come and go without warning, often claiming American jobs. Industrial power of China, of course, is causing a stir in neighboring Asian countries such as Thailand and Malaysia. China decentralization is good for America in the long run, and even US farmers will benefit as eating more and more Chinese, and only fish and rice. A serious problem is how China is also taking jobs in factories in Mexico, and when the Mexicans lose their jobs in factories in Mexico, they come to America to work, and they return to Mexico remains deficit-increasing the money flows. Australia, on the other hand wants China to continue to grow because they sell a lot of resources. Australia has many resources for sale, and China does not seem to be able to quench their thirst for resources. Automakers in the US require their suppliers in China, telling its suppliers that need the "China price" for auto parts, and therefore the small manufacturers can not survive in the US in states as iN OH, MI, iN, KY, TN, etc. and also provide the automotive industry. This will eventually dig manufacturing world.
Between 2002 and 2003 and eight jobs in the US industry went to China. China is buying some other countries, unfortunately, they are buying more places that make machines such as Germany, which are also to replace German workers. It is good for export to China, but each machine kills more jobs in the United States and other industrialized countries where once healthy companies paid high wages, so from now out of company which means there will be no one to buy expensive products, so everyone will have to buy cheap Chinese products. Before the global economic crisis a third of the growth of the automobile in the world came from China. China is known to steal popular car designs and will not impose international patents, and said the Chinese government; "Companies are liberally influenced by competitors," and that's why the cars tend to look the same as if that is an excuse to rob the drawings.
There are some Chinese manufacturers who export Chinese cars with Toyota logos on them to the Middle East, which sell throughout Asia, and even try to sell their products in Australia. China's car imports require significant cost reductions and even the price is very high comparatively speaking, the quality of American cars are still very popular in China.
What happens when the high-tech workers in Chinese factories are cheap robots industrial, what happens after? This is a question that the book suggests. Today, China produces five times more engineers each year in the United States colleges. 40% of Chinese students in an engineering group. China makes MRI software now, and most large American pharmaceutical companies export their manufacturing jobs to China and outsourcing manufacturing.
China produces fake Starbucks, Coca-Cola, fake cheese, ice cream, shampoo and even Cisco and 3Com PC cards. They counterfeit cigarettes, tires, batteries, clothing with name brands, shoes, car parks, and even Nintendo.
MP3 players, Harry Potter, fake vaccines, Viagra, and even Yamaha mopeds. Toyota vehicles with logos on them which were made by self Greeley in China have been found. 90% of Microsoft products sold in China are counterfeit. Text messaging software more is counterfeit. They say that Adobe is wrong in China works better than the original.

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