Does Having A Pancreas Transplant Cure Diabetes?

A pancreas transplant is here, but we draw a bit of its history. In 2005, the Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis scientists have successfully transplanted pancreatic cells from pigs to produce insulin in monkeys. They do not need drugs to prevent rejection.

After several weeks, the cells were set up in three monkeys and released pig insulin because of the increased sugar levels in the blood. This reduced need for insulin injections and therefore may be beneficial to find a cure for human diabetes.

The transplants worked without the use of immunosuppressive drugs. Remember the transplant does not produce enough insulin, but to do more research and transplantation of pig cells will help reduce the need for insulin.

This study follows a previous study showing a cure for type 1 diabetes and type 2 without removing the drug from the immune system. pig insulin works well for people as a treatment for diabetes. In fact before the pharmaceutical companies have been able to manufacture human insulin in the 1980s, diabetics were given cow and pig insulin.

In 2008, ten patients received in Chicago pancreas transplant. Kimberley Carlson was one of the beneficiaries and found that everything before she needed insulin to stabilize your sugar levels in the blood, it should not rely on insulin.

More research is needed, particularly the risk of rejection. And there are side effects such as high blood pressure developing high cholesterol, fatigue and anemia. And the worst is the decrease in white blood cells.

Anyone considering a pancreas transplant as a cure of advanced diabetes type 1 diabetes should be familiar with the surgery, your process and treatment monitoring. Whoever has the severe type 1 diabetes is not controlled successfully with insulin may be a candidate.

There is only one type of pancreas transplant? It is when the transplanted pancreas is isolated and the other is associated with a kidney transplant. When choosing a transplant center, how many of them have done and what is the survival rate. Some even have additional services such as support groups, organize travel plans and local accommodation for the recovery period.

What you have to do to prepare for a pancreas transplant? A healthy diet, exercise, take medications as ordered by the physician, be optimistic, join a support group, be in compliance with the commitments with members of the health care team and engage in activities that maintain good health that is relaxed with friends and family.

Be prepared with a carrying bag and packed the transplant center at a moment's notice you never know when the pancreas will be given. Make sure the transplant center knows who is at any time.

The pancreas with a small piece of the small intestine of the donor will be placed in the lower abdomen. The surgeon will then attach the donor of the intestine to the recipient's small intestine and leave the old pancreas to aid digestion. The new pancreas carry no guarantee. About 85% of people who have the combination of kidney-pancreas same time have its work pancreas after a year, but after five years, this figure falls to 70%. About 73% of people who get only the pancreas have their pancreas to work after a year, but after five years, this figure falls to 53%. All this will help you decide to undergo a pancreas transplant.

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