Illinois Make Your Home? Discover The Rich History Of The Land Of Lincoln

When people think of Illinois, they think of Chicago. There is certainly much to say about Chicago, but there is more to Illinois than its world famous city.

Limit two sides by the rivers Mississippi and Ohio and Lake Michigan tip off the northeast corner; Illinois was a trip, negotiation, and an established native platform dating from the beginning of our era. Over the centuries, Illinois became the gateway to the west and the main railway hub for America.

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Down near Collinsville, just outside of St. Louis, is the Cahokia Mounds, a huge urban center for pre-Columbian Native American Mississippian. There are 262 state parks in Illinois, who are full of outdoor adventures. Illinois has more than 80 lakes, 100 rivers, many rivers and famous and legendary working channels. Abraham Lincoln, one of our greatest presidents country - if not the greatest, spent thirty years at Illinois and felt that his true home. Ulysses S. Grant, another great American president was also Illinoisan.
True to its name as the front door, the start of the section to the west, the launch pad for wild adventures; Illinois Chicago was the starting point of the famous Route 66.

A little story of Illinois

Illinois has a huge history. Calculations show the town existed around 650 AD, then disappearing mysteriously in 1400. The next great power in the region gave his name Illinois. The Illiniwek Confederation was a political alliance between several important Native American tribes.

French explorers Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet explored both the Illinois and Mississippi in 1673. In 1783, the British gave the land to the United States becoming part of the newly formed Northwest Territory.

The Illinois Territory was founded in 1809 and became a US state in 1818. The 21 regions of southern state flooded with the first settlers and they quickly spread north, unfortunately, expelling the indigenous inhabitants.

Chicago took and grew as a port on the lake and the channel available around 1848. In 1857, Chicago became reigning Illinois metropolitan city. "
Illinois history exhibitions throughout the 19th century and 20. Mormon (also known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) the development of the city of Nauvoo rivaled the title of the largest city the State.

Well over 250,000 Illinois men served in the Union Army during the Civil War, more than any other state in the north, as well as New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. initial and subsequent calls of President Lincoln for troops Illinoisans encouraged to develop 150 infantry regiments, 17 cavalry regiments, and two regiments of light artillery.

The development of world-class art, music, cultural arenas and museums that the city and was a leader of the arts in America.

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remarkable and inspiring museums in Chicago will take you through the beginning of time, to propel the practical experience of the spectacular formation and future roots of invention and industry personnel, soak the water with beautiful and mystifying depths world, and enigmatic sections of space.

Illinois also maintained its historic buildings, including their first home, Jean Baptiste Saucier Home Cahokia, which was built in 1737. The house Pierre Ménard Kaskaskia was built in 1802 and is considered the "Mount Vernon" Illinois and most famous residence in Illinois. Most Ménard windows of houses still retain their original panels pressed hand, which were imported from France.

You will find two residences that housed two great American presidents. Abraham Lincoln house, built in 1839, it still stands in the capital city of Springfield. The beloved home of the mother of Lincoln is also intact. Sarah Lincoln House is located in Charleston and was built sometime in the 1830s.

John Marshall House in Shawneetown was erected in 1808, which was then called to become the first state bank. The legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright built his home in 1891 in Oak Park, reflecting the definition of modern forms of architecture.

There are extraordinary buildings and all structures throughout Illinois. You can try a range of American domestic architecture mounds of Cahokia for greatness primitive huts lived structures genuine sophisticated and modern wonders.

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