How to Increase the Function of the Pancreas

If the means individuals would be asked where your pancreas is located or pancreas function, many of them scratching their heads. The pancreas is a vital organ in our body. People can survive without the stomach, small intestine and colon, but not too long without pancreas. Life depends on this small gland, hidden deep in the abdominal cavity. The pancreas is an organ with two tasks. Most people only know the role of the pancreas in the metabolism of sugar and the pancreas produces insulin, the vital hormone to prevent diabetes.

The second function of the pancreas is to produce digestive enzymes - proteins that share the powerful food we eat into particles small enough to travel through the intestinal wall so that we can digest and assimilate the food.

Without digestive enzymes from the pancreas could not live. The function of many organs and systems and the health of the entire body, heavily depend on the health of our digestive system and especially our pancreas.

What happened when the pancreas produces little or no amount of digestive enzymes of good quality?

Our digestive system is a long tube muscle that runs from the mouth to the anus. Pancreas releases pancreatic juice filled with digestive enzymes into the duodenum - the first part of the small intestine. Without enough pancreatic enzymes fermented foods indigestible, spoiled rotten by intestinal microorganisms and irritates the intestinal walls. Toxicity (chemical or biological): Toxicity literally kills cells and negatively influences the metabolism of the body causing inflammation, pain, cancer development and so on.

The pancreas is a worker. Unprocessed, natural, whole food consists of a lot of digestive enzymes. Lack of these enzymes in modern food causes a great effort for the pancreas to manufacture its digestive enzymes. As modern people have great pancreas.

Chemicals such as preservatives, dyes, additives, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides in processed foods are not healthy for the pancreas. The worst enemy of the pancreas is also alcohol. By common sense, it is necessary to provide the body with natural digestive enzymes from food. Pancreas is alkaline gland where our food should be alkaline with a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins and bicarbonates to correct the production of digestive enzymes from the pancreas and the appropriate alkaline environment to work.

All actions to reduce domestic toxicity, such as drinking water, healing mineral water, herbal teas, fruit juices and blends, colon hydrotherapy, massage, infrared sauna, control constipation, restoring the intestinal flora, etc., can help clean the pancreas.

Europeans widely practiced vacation in healthy mineral spas.
Healthy foods, drinking healing mineral water, massage, colon hydrotherapy and exercise to improve the health of thousands of people in Europe and other countries.
Science Spa Therapy (healing with mineral water) is known in European medical schools so many European doctors recommend their patients with chronic disorders of the pancreas healing mineral spas.

Drink more mineral water healing is known to resort Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic - the European pearl spa. The Karlovy Vary Czech town was a famous international resort mineral healing water since 18 century. Europeans call mineral water city "land of this healing" or the "miracle mineral water." Customers in Europe and Asia took a trip to Karlovy Vary for one to six months remains to drink Karlovy Vary mineral water healing (of KVHMW) for various chronic health conditions, cleaning and detoxification.

Hundreds years the curative mineral water was distributed throughout Europe for bottles and barrels up to 1764 it was discovered a method that allowed to spray water and to minerals. Czech doctors found that mineral water produced from genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt had the same healing properties as in the spring.

Many scientific studies have been carried out by European medical check for Karlovy Vary healing mineral water healing action on pancreatic health by:

• Provision of essential minerals and trace elements for the production of digestive enzymes
Bicarbonates supply, the main ingredient pancreatic juice (pancreatic enzymes can work only in an alkaline environment)
• Increased secretion of pancreatic juice
• Increase the digestive activity of pancreatic enzymes
• Neutralize high stomach acid levels
The opening of the sphincter of Oddi (which reduces the pressure in the system, promotes the secretion and elimination of pancreatic juice and reduce congestion)

Some medicinal herbs and spices have a long history of use in digestive disorders. They not only improve the taste of food, but that help digest food without gas, bloating, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea or constipation and protect people against harmful parasites and microorganisms .

All pancreatic enzymes are proteins related to minerals and trace elements. Very important for the health of the pancreas and digestive system are all suitable supply of magnesium, potassium, cobalt, sulfur, zinc.
Normal pancreatic function depends on the actions of a little water and fat soluble vitamins. On the other side, low quality and low quantity of reduced enzymatic digestion pancreas of these vital nutrients, causing a vicious circle. Taking vitamins essential foods or supplements is a very important step digestive (pancreatic) normal health.

Human pancreas has a huge amount of functional capacity.
The actual symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency such as chronic diarrhea with undigested fat and smelly stool, weight loss and weakness occurs when 90% of the missing pancreatic function. Until then, chronic indigestion is a sign of low pancreatic function. Increase naturally without drugs pancreatic function is possible thanks to the supervision of experienced health professionals.

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