GIMP Photo Editing Software

You always wanted to edit a photo, but could not because everyone there photo editing software are very expensive? Well, here's a solution to your problem and the name of this solution is GIMP. GIMP is an amazing photo editing software that is very easy to use once you get the hang of. There are tons of things to do with endless options on what to do a photo to make it "cooler". GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It was originally made for Linux users, but eventually made its way to the Mac and Windows versions because of its success compared to other photo editing programs.

As expected, GIMP is mainly used to edit photos. This program makes editing a lot of fun, easy and well ... FUN. Of course, there are things to learn before becoming an expert, but once you learn these top tips for beginners, then you are off to start your incredible photo editing projects.

Unlike photo editing, GIMP can also make animations and short videos. GIMP is considered one of the most important photo-editing programs out there, and the price could not be better ... FREE! All you have to do is go to the website and download the GIMP. It is easy to access and updates go very often with new fun things to do and explore in the program.

Instead of waiting for an upgrade from, you can go ahead and even download plugins for the program directly from your site! It can create animations and short videos, and new things like fonts and brushes can be added to the program to make it even more fun to edit your photos impress your friends.

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