Define the Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder

Although binge eating disorder has not yet been accepted as an official diagnosis, many experts agree that binging is a serious problem that affects millions of people.
Physical symptoms of compulsive overeating syndrome:

Physical symptoms are similar to symptoms of a person overweight or obese. Compulsive eaters tend to gain weight and are likely to suffer from many diseases associated with being overweight, including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart problems, arthritis, kidney problems and irregular periods.

Psychological symptoms of compulsive overeating syndrome:

Psychological symptoms of compulsive overeating syndrome is quite unique, and this is what makes a person overweight or obese a binge eater.

The most important symptoms are:

- Unresolved emotional issues from the past that act as triggers for binging episodes

- The embarrassment and shame Excruciating with self-loathing

- Depression and guilt

- Feelings of loss of control

Behavioral symptoms of binge eating disorder:

Due to the nature of the disease, bingers are required to change their social behavior so they can binge when they feel the need.

Binge eaters are obsessive about the foods they crave. They can even go up fantasizing about the foods they like, focusing on the texture and smell of food. Binging can be overcome with proper treatment. Awareness and an intense desire to get rid of this habit can help start the process.

To overcome binge eating disorder, victims are able to take control of their emotions and to establish healthy eating habits.

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