The Force Powers of Jedi Master Yoda

The Force Powers of Jedi Master Yoda

Those familiar with the Star Wars Saga certainly recognize the powerful Jedi Master Yoda. Long recognized as one of the most powerful Jedi in the universe, here is a brief summary of the life and Yoda Force capabilities.

George Lucas does not provide many details of the life of Yoda beginning. He is a man of unknown species (and unnamed), born in 896BBY year in a remote control, and the unnamed planet.

NOTE: ABY means before the Battle of Yavin - Death Star was destroyed this year, which led to the eventual fall of the Empire. It is on this planet, he finds Jedi Master N'Kata Del Gormo, recognizing that Yoda is highly sensitive strength and shape. This is where Yoda is a Jedi Master in the year 796 ABY. Over the next 600 years, Yoda leads many puppies at the head of the Academy Jedi Training, and continues to add to his own abilities as a Jedi Master. Soon recognized as one of the greatest Jedi Master, Yoda has the following powers of the Force.

Form IV Technical favorite Yoda that uses a variety of tumbling and acrobatic moves.

Force - the command of Jedi Master largest of the Force, including its generally considered very powerful, and the need, telekinesis, including:

Push force: For throwing objects / people away

Pull Strength: Ability to pull objects for you

Force Whirlwind: Advanced Force push lifting, turning and immobilize opponents

Force Repulse / Force Strength: More powerful thrust force used to launch high-speed objects away from the user

Force Wave: The most powerful form of thrust force creates a wave of pure energy force that pushes everything in its path from the source (Yoda)

Force Value: Used to focus skills, increase resolution, and increase the ability to move faster and hit harder. used by Yoda to overcome the limitations of old age

Force Lightning: Yoda had the ability to divert and dissipate Force Lightning with his own hands.

Battle Meditation - ability to simultaneously lift the spirits of his allies, while discouraging the determination of their opponents. Reinforced by the reputation of Yoda as a warrior, he was known to win battles by their presence on the battlefield.

At the heart of Yoda skills was his ability as a teacher. As the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, he had a hand in the formation of almost all the Jedi. He also teaches young Luke Skywalker, who, after the Jedi are nearly exterminated by Darth Vader will found the New Jedi Order.

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