Is Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan) a Healing Art, a Martial Art, or Both?

Is Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan) a Healing Art, a Martial Art, or Both?

Early morning, the Chinese ethnic neighborhoods of big cities, you can see people moving en masse, waving their bodies about, slowly, synchronously and thus medtitative.

Search the Internet and you will be inundated with information about recent medical studies touting the benefits of the almost miraculous healing tai chi for both the elderly and young. "OK," you conclude, "it is part of Chinese medicine and is an amazing healing art." A few clicks on your internet search tell you that tai chi chuan (more correctly written as "taijiquan") is a powerful martial art. Do you think that is full of its martial applications, pre-workout training "of pushing hands" and weapons forms - including several forms of beautiful sword. It is a practice martial arts or a holistic health practice? Well, it is because the traditional principles of tai chi are very different from those of karate, MMA or other popular martial arts. Unfortunately, however, most of tai chi taught today very diluted. So even if a teacher reveals its traditional principles, students who prefer the excuse decision on the time schedule for the practice will never be able to perform any of its martial arts applications - or s' they try, they will do it in a way that does not principles of tai chi and can lead to serious self-injury. That's why many ancient Chinese masters of tai chi were very picky about who they teach and how they teach. The former intensive mental training also cultivates the mind and emotions of its practitioners in peace and unwavering grounded-ness. People have observed this phenomenon, so art became popular for its benefit-granting health rather than its martial applications. China, his hometown, also prohibits the public practice and teaching as a martial art (and all combat practices) during the Cultural Revolution. Since then, China has relaxed its restrictions and tai chi was once again recognized as the discipline of martial arts that was its origin.

If you are lucky enough to find a teacher or a school that teaches traditional tai chi, your teacher immediately help you understand how the principles can be used both for healing and martial arts. It's just a matter of how you focus those principles when you train. For example, one of the "energy" basic you learn in traditional tai chi is "peng jin." It allows you to express a huge amount of force during an attack, allowing you to force vector an opponent's body and on the floor. mental understanding of this seemingly illusive tai chi principle is easy once a good teacher explains, but it requires a dedicated mind and practice to get your body to understand how to get the "feel" of it at will (ie, under form of "memory effect").

That principle of tai chi peng jin into play prevents this unnecessary stress and "pulls" the voltage on you and deliver it to the ground. But nobody - unless they practice traditional tai chi or its related arts - has even heard of this strange principle. tai chi traditional teachers first provided assistance to the physical, mental and spiritual students before engaging in martial arts applications. Martial applications then be done with the right principle and no result of pain or injury. Indeed, the body is repeatedly exposed to principles that continue to condition instead of tearing it.

Yes, tai chi chuan is a remarkable art. That's why so few traditional tai chi chuan practitioners are surprised that not more people take. Also keep in mind that even if you want to learn how to develop tai chi combat skills, you must first focus on using its principles to optimize their physical and psychological strength. Just to test the logic of this to yourself, you'll find that if you are looking for the origins of Tai Chi teachers trained traditionally, virtually all of them were originally referred to practice to solve a health problem. Only after conditioning and rebuilding with tai chi did they practice their martial arts skills. So yes, this art is like a gold coin with two distinct faces. One side reflects a deep martial heritage and the other side shines with the promise of a higher quality of wellness.

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