Smart City and Smart Buildings
there is not a marketing campaign technique cash sale or a funny political
slogan. Smart cities appear as a civic action because of a
"perfect storm" of converging market conditions, technological
innovation, social needs, the needs of government and migration to urban areas
that have accelerated worldwide exceeds any mass movement the previous people
in history.
In the three years since the publication of the
report, Chinese migration figures to cities in China proves correct prediction.
Existing Chinese cities already overcrowded and struggling to maintain public
services, they are preparing for this attack of humanity through the
preparation, planning and implementation of large-scale urban projects to
transform industrial urban environments Smart Cities with intelligent
buildings. Smart City has many emerging parameters. setting smart city maps are
designed and marketed by academics, businesses, urban associations and the
media, and the use of technologies such as intelligent buildings. With this
image cacophony, a foundation emerged that help to define areas of interest
Smart City, the action and measures. As cities begin their transformation
processes in smart cities, which helps to examine how cities will face social
engineering, economic and environmental. If the city is a body, then we have
seen the evolution of the agrarian society in the information age by developing
systems. Each city has its own cardiovascular system (traffic, transport), the
skeletal system (infrastructure), respiratory and digestive systems (energy,
waste) and even a primitive nervous system (telecommunications). For a city to
provide access to intelligence behind knowledge and become a smart city, the
development of information system that connects the central nervous system in
the brain is required - get in intelligent buildings.
Due to the implementation of major information technology (IT) solutions in recent decades, cities, the world has created a cornucopia of data. The question is whether the city has the appropriate data into a smart city, the question is how. Media and marketing people call this data emancipation to be freed from their silos "Big Data". This means that a large data set has the ability to penetrate into the body of your city and move freely. An important issue for the IT department of a city manages "Big Data", now it can be released easily. Cities that address this issue will be on track to be a smart city. The focus on Big Data and the behavior of your city for the management of your data is critical to be a truly smart city. The more intelligent and efficient city that embraces intelligent transport aspects, security, energy management, CO2 and sustainability depends on the implementation of a strategic plan of Big Data for decision makers and decision authorities to do their work. In response, some cities have adopted an Open Data approach to help make their data available to the general public, which led to an emerging market for the development and sale of "Apps" to enable this upcoming Open Data in life and deliver value to a user.
There is a proactive approach to identify and manage the digital DNA of their city. Building blocks to efficiently and effectively use city data is ultimately in the ability of a city to redirect your data and documents related to the built environment, which is authenticated digital DNA of all existing cities. built environment data is already captured the city in different formats and processes; construction departments, departments Engineering, Departments of land, planning departments, tax services, postal services, they all collect and manage large amounts of data which, when viewed as a whole, the creation of a virtual representation of your physical city. Integrating the accuracy of data, and authentication of the city is the key to a proactive approach to get on the path to becoming a smart city. No structure of the digital DNA and appropriate management, connectivity of the nervous system to the brain of your city will be problematic, inhibiting the performance and evolution of your city for a smart city.
One way to enable the digital DNA of your city comes from the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and the data captured by the Intelligent Building. BIM and smart buildings provide digital DNA that, when placed in the context of a neighborhood, the neighborhood and the city, offers a relevant data City authenticated. This reassessment of the digital DNA eclipse any previous notion of value given to integrated data environment.
Think of your city as a network, each building acting as a server. Each building has data such as BIM for design and construction and intelligent building data as Facility Management & Building Automation). When these individual building data is connected to the City network, potentially by Open Data policy, interesting things start to happen. The ACS data captured this city already has become the digital DNA of Smart Cities.
Cities are a mirror to the values of our civilization. Basically, the Smart City solutions, large and small, have the opportunity to help create an environment for people to develop a welcoming, inclusive and open. The success of Smart City will be measured by how the quality of life of its people improved.
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