How To Grow Your Own Chives

Growing Chives In Your Garden

If you have a hard time growing plants in your garden, you may have heard how easy it can be to grow an herb garden. One of the easiest herbs to grow and care is chives. Chives are the smallest species of the onion family. Here are some tips on how to grow your own chives.
First, you must understand the type of plant you are working. Chives are a lamp that has thin cylindrical green leaves terminating in a rounded tip. The flowers produced in spring is a pale purple. Like all light bulbs, this herb as soil that is well drained so the lights do not become mushy. If the soil is very stony, they can not reproduce easily. They also thrive in clay soil. These are the ideal conditions, but this resilient bulb can survive in most soils.
Although the lamps are scattered, they do it slowly so you do not have to worry that they will take the rest of your herb garden. Like those who get bigger, new small blisters forming. It is also possible that they may propagate from seed produced on the flowers, but this is less likely. As you learn more about how to grow your own green onions, you'll be pleased to know that the bulbs tend to repel insects, although the flowers attract bees. They see a very useful herb to have in your garden is. As they grow and flourish, you need to regularly cut the leaves about an inch and a half above the white trunk to provide new growth. Reflection on how to grow their own green onions, some things you do will depend on what you use them for. If they are to the beauty and add color to your garden, you can let the flowers bloom as much as you want.
Harvesting can occur at almost all year, and you can use your fresh chives or store them dry for long periods of time.

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