Fable 3 Review

Fable 3 looks like a clone of Fable 2, but really adds a lot of new content that is separate from its predecessor, and better graphics and some innovative design all around. There were high hopes for Fable 3, and jump right into what this game is good, bad and everything else.

The story revolves around removing his brother authority. You go through the history of the collection equipment, skills, and most importantly, the fans. The decisions in this game can be very difficult to do, as the thin line between good and evil are blurred; and this can be a good thing because it allows you to play the game several times to see different results. There is no start menu in the game. Instead, there is "The Shrine", a highly innovative reskinning a boot menu. Sanctuary allows you to quickly travel card, change your equipment, and even play online with other players. It is really amazing how a small change like this can make for a game. It is also an interesting new addition to the game where you can mix two passes together to create powerful spells, and add a touch of personal taste what spells you like. The dubbing is very good in this game, though, as the script. In addition, John Cleese is a voice actor (not say who). This game is a bit like Fable 2, however. The missions and side games are almost identical to what they were in Fable 2. The gameplay is fine if you liked Fable 2. It can become a bit of a button masher in large battles, however.  
The combination system is random, that is, if you press "XXX" the result can be different each time. Graphically, the game looks like a more polished version of Fable 2 with the more mature look character and NPC models. The cooperative is really much better than Fable 2. You can interact with other players in different ways, once you're in the same world as having children with other players. Definitely an improvement over the single-screen multiplayer unfortunate Fable 2.
If you look at all the articles made for this game, it is easy to see why Fable 3 is better than Fable 2. It is really fun to be able to be king / queen, and make decisions as such. This game has no major flaws, but does nothing fantastic, it completely separates from its predecessor.

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