5 Hottest Batman Action Figures

Batman figures have always been popular since 1960, when they were launched. Of all the action figures, there are more number of Batman toys than any other character.
Toy companies such as Hasbro and Kenner produces hundreds of Batman toys each year with many variations. The statue of Batman is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide. People of all ages, as Batman and toys.

Every time a new film is released or Batman, the new Batman busts hit the market. The lines of Batman toys numbers are named after the Batman movies or comics. 5 Hottest Toys -

1. Batman Animated -
When 'Batman: The Animated Series "was released, Kenner produced a new line of toys that was based on this film with this line of figures, Kenner introduced some new villains like Clay Face, Scarecrow and Poison Ivy's toy collection .. Then, add Batman animated figures to your collection.

2. Batman Dark Knight -
In 2008, Batman Dark Knight toy line was released by the Mattel toy company. The line of Batman Dark Knight figurines toy toys 5 inches. You'll find Bruce Wayne legal figure on this scale. The figure of the wicked "Joker" has a cartoon face. Toys in this range come with Bat-Mobile and other gadgets.

3. Batman Joker -
The Joker is the main villain opposing Batman. You see it in movies and is also present in the Joker action figures. Joker action figures toys are appreciated above all the other nasty numbers. The Joker is very popular among fans of Batman as he drives the axis of all the evil that pits Batman.

4. Batman Silence -
"Silence Batman" is a must for all fans of Batman. Every fan should add this line to your Batman statue collection. The inspiration behind this line of Batman action figures is the story of the book 'comic Silence'.

5. Batman Begins -
Online busts Batman Begins toys' are just awesome. This line was launched when the 'Batman Begins' film was released in 2005.

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