Google Earth Maps Showing Temperature Rise

A new Google Earth map highlights the devastating impact of an increase in temperature is 4C in different parts of the world.
The interactive tool, which was released by the coalition government in the UK, aims to stimulate debate on carbon emissions and climate change.

It comes after recent warnings - on the basis of existing international commitments of carbon - the temperature of the Earth at an average increase of about 4 ° C, which could lead to sea level rises, forest fires and drought.

The online map shows how the temperature increases differ greatly around the world. The red light poles, with a potential increase up to 10C, while northern Europe escapes with orange 2-3C rises. Climate Change Minister Greg Barker said: "It does not make pleasant viewing and underlines the threat to human and national security if you do not act now."

Deforestation is a major cause of climate change. In just 24 hours, the recording will release more carbon into the atmosphere as 8 million people flying London to New York.

A recent report reveals global illegal timber production fell in 22 percent since 2002, while the level of Brazil, Cameroon and Indonesia, have seen a huge drop of 50-75 percent.

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