What is Salmonella Food Poisoning?

Salmonella food poisoning is the result of ingesting the bacteria called salmonella. The condition obtained is a disease that is called salmonellosis. Among the most common forms of introduction of bacteria in food is consumed when the food is an animal that has been infected. Fruit juices and certain fruits and unpasteurized raw vegetables can also be contaminated with the bacteria.

It is not uncommon for people to experience a time between ingestion and symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning. In many cases, symptoms are mild. There are a number of groups which may have more severe symptoms. In addition salmonella may constitute a serious threat to some people. The most common symptoms experienced include fever, diarrhea and / or abdominal pain. These may change during the disease. Some people may experience more extreme symptoms and may require medical attention include people with weakened immune symptoms is. This includes persons with renal disease, HIV / AIDS, cancer, and those with the other. Moreover, the very young and the elderly can also have more serious problems.

For healthy people, you can get treatment by drinking lots of fluids and stay home. If you start experiencing dehydration you should seek medical help as soon as. When you visit a doctor may receive antibiotics as a form of treatment.

If your symptoms go beyond the four to eight days, then you should consult a doctor. If your symptoms of food poisoning salmonella become severe, then you may need to consult a doctor immediately.

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