Understanding the Need of the Food Pyramid

The food pyramid has been conceptualized by the USDA as a helpful suggestion to restore the maximum nutritional value to the diet by US citizen. Food intake, as recommended in the pyramid is the daily consumption of different groups. He speaks of the right to adequate supply of food from breakfast to dinner. Foods were classified into several groups, which are

1. Grain

2. Fruit

3. Vegetables

4. Dairy

5. The meat or fish

6. Oil

Has been the practice in previous days to consume less oil and more vegetables to stay healthy. The food pyramid colored bands from the top to the floor. The plan is fully successful with proper exercise, or improvement remains unsatisfactory although food consumption is correct.

In the food pyramid, grains claim the top position, that must be present in most diet followed by fruits and vegetables. Other ingredients are then placed on the row where the last item of the oil should be lower density component used to prevent fat diet. Carbohydrates are rich sources of energy for the body. Fruits providing low in calories and low in fat but provide nutrients, vitamins and natural sugar, and in combination with vegetables become rich source of vitamins and minerals to the body. The blue band is for dairy products, which provide calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and D in the right quantity. Meat and fish supply protein, and minerals, but providing high amount of cholesterol, fat and sodium, which are sometimes harmful to the body.

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