Lose Weight with PCOS and Low Carb

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a physical condition linked to weight gain, acne, infertility, abnormal hair growth, too. PCOS women have formed cysts in the ovaries. Based on information from WomensHealth.gov much as one in ten women have PCOS. Weight loss with PCOS is difficult, however, to take appropriate measures may help you start reducing your weight.

Change your diet

According to nutritionists, women with PCOS should not put on diet like other women trying to lose weight. Since many feel PCOS is associated with insulin resistance, a low carbohydrate, high protein diet may be the most effective for weight reduction. Good plans include structured to follow the Mediterranean diet and the Paleo diet. Both focus on high-fiber vegetables, lots of lean meats like fish and chicken and some carbohydrates.
Work out

Consistent exercise can lead to weight loss, as well as being essential for the treatment of PCOS. The cardio workout can easily increase resistance to insulin. Incorporate aerobics, such as walking, swimming and take the dance; They include light weightlifting free weights. Muscle consume more calories, however, since many women with PCOS have high levels of testosterone compared to the average women, make use of free weights "light" so you do not get bulky muscles. Most fitness trainers recommend many repetitions while doing basic exercises such as squats structural.

Prescription drugs can correct hormonal fluctuations or resistance to the underlying insulin, making it much easier to lose weight. As reported by WomensHealth.gov, doctors prescribe birth control to balance hormones and insulin sensitizer drugs such as Glucophage, take insulin resistance treatment.

How to lose weight with PCOS

Stop smoking! An analysis in 2009 found that smoking by high insulin levels and also free testosterone in women with PCOS. Increase insulin and testosterone is likely to become more severe PCOS, making it harder to lose weight.


Stay away from diet programs "crash" with the reduction of extreme calories. Be careful with conventional diets as much emphasis on low fat and high in carbohydrates and therefore unfit for PCOS.


Pay attention to improve your overall health and also solve the problems of SOP more weight loss underlying; PCOS is so treated, weight reduction may occur faster.

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