How Instruction Technology Can Make Teaching and Learning More Effective In Schools?

In recent years, instruction technology Matters research led to a clearer vision of how technology can affect teaching and learning. Today, almost every school in the United States uses technology as a part of teaching and learning and each state having its own technology program custom. In most of these schools, teachers use technology through integrated activities that are part of their daily schedule. For example, the technology creates an active learning environment in which students not only ask but also to identify issues of interest to them. Such activity would be to integrate the areas of technology, social sciences, mathematics, science and language arts with the possibility of creating a student-centered activity. Most educational technology experts agree, however, that technology should be integrated, not as a separate subject or as a project once-in-a-time, but as a tool to promote and develop student learning on a daily basis.

Today, teachers can not have personal experience with the technology and to present an additional challenge. In order to integrate the activities and projects focused on technology in their curriculum, teachers must first find the time to learn to use the tools and understand the terminology required for participation in projects or activities. They must have the ability to use technology to improve student learning and to greater personal and professional development.

Instructional technology allows students by improving the skills and concepts through multiple representations and visualization. Its advantages include accuracy and speed in data collection and graphics, real-time display, the ability to collect and analyze large volumes of data and cooperation in the collection and interpretation of data, the presentation and the results have grown more varied. The technology also involves students in higher order thinking, develops skills Strong problem solving and develops a deep understanding of the concepts and procedures when used properly.

Technology should play a key role in the academic content models and its successful implementation. Expectations reflecting the appropriate use of technology should be woven into the models, objectives and level of quality indicators. For example, the standards should include expectations for students commonly calculated using paper and pencil, based on technology and mental methods and use graphing calculators or computers to graph and analyze mathematical relationships. These expectations should be to support a program rich in the use of technology rather than to limit the use of technology for specific skills or education levels. The technology makes it accessible subject for all students, including those with special needs. For example, specialized technologies increase the opportunities for students with physical challenges to develop and demonstrate mathematical concepts and skills. Technology influences the way we work, how we play and how we live our lives. Technology provides teachers with technological teaching tools they need to operate more efficiently and better meet the individual needs of their students. Selection of appropriate technological tools give teachers an opportunity to build conceptual knowledge of the students and their learning log to the problem in the world. Advanced tools like technology inspiration, Starry Night, web search and Portaportal allow students use a variety of strategies such as research, problem solving, creative thinking, visual image, critical thinking, and practical activity.

Advantages of using these technology tools include increasing the accuracy and speed of data collection and graphics, real-time visualization, interactive modeling process invisible Science and structures, the ability to gather and analyze large amounts of data, collaboration for the collection and interpretation of data and results of different presentations.

Technology integration strategies for the content instruction. Teachers should use the content forms of technology that allow students to investigate and participate in collaborative activities. In traditional teacher-centered approaches, or computer technology is used to drill, practice and mastery of basic skills.

The teaching strategies used in these classes are teacher-centered because of the way they complement the activities controlled by the teacher and because the software used to provide the exercise and practice is teacher selected and assigned teacher . The importance of technology in the lives of young apprentices and technology's ability to improve the effectiveness of teachers contributes to improving student achievement in new and exciting ways.

Students need appropriate level of quality classroom experiences, allowing them to learn and be able to do science, so based on an active investigation in the case of technological tools, resources, methods and the process are readily available and widely used. As students to integrate technology into learning and doing science, the focus should be on how to think about problems and projects, not just what to think.

Students can learn through observation, design, communication, computing, research, build, test, evaluate the risks and benefits, and modify the structures, devices and processes - to apply their knowledge in the development of science and technology.

Most students in schools at all age levels, may have some experience in using the technology, but K-12 must recognize that science and technology are interconnected and that the use of technology involves the assessment of benefits, risks and costs. Students must acquire scientific and technological knowledge and skills needed to design and build devices. In addition, they must develop methods for solving problems and to understand that these problems can be solved in several ways.

Rapid developments in the design and use of technology, especially the electronic tools, will change the way students learn. For example, graphing calculators and computer tools offer powerful communication mechanisms, application and learning of mathematics in the workplace, in daily tasks, and mathematics education. Technologies such as calculators and computers help students learn mathematics and support effective teaching of mathematics. Instead of replacing the learning of concepts and basic skills, technology can connect skills and procedures for better mathematical understanding. Learn and apply math, students must become skilled at using a variety of techniques and tools for computing, measurement, data analysis and troubleshooting. Computers, calculators, physical models, and measuring devices are examples of the wide variety of technologies or tools, used for teaching, learning and doing mathematics. Technology, used appropriately, helps students learn math. Electronic tools such as spreadsheets and dynamic geometry software, extend the range of problems and promote understanding of fundamental mathematical relationships. A solid foundation in number and operation concepts and skills necessary to effectively use the calculator as a tool to solve problems calculations. Appropriate uses of these and other math class technology to improve learning, support education and the impact of effective levels of accent and mannerisms of some mathematical concepts and skills are learned. Technology is a tool for learning and doing mathematics rather than an end in itself. Teachers must make crucial decisions on when and how to use technology to focus on teaching mathematics learning.

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