French Food Pyramid Food

The French food pyramid would be like the food pyramid we have here in the West. The food pyramid is shown in diagram form, the foods you should eat to, and the recommended level of these foods. The French pyramid is exactly the same this point. French cuisine is one of the most beautiful and diverse in the world. In fact the French are famous for their culinary skills. The French food pyramid includes many of the same foods that have the USDA food pyramid.

On the lower level of the food pyramid French beans is all you can eat. The French like to eat bread, croissants and pastries. So there is a lot of focus on white flour products in French cuisine. At the top level of the pyramid are very diverse fruits and vegetables that are available on the French market. Some of the more unusual vegetables include international truffles. The French like their meat and fish. The most unusual foods in the meat department of fish that like to eat French sapo include legs, escargot snails (for you or for me), and of course, horse meat.

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