37 Information Yechnology (IT) Trends to Watch

Was once the technical results were hypnotized magical things. 21st century has seen both unprecedented development of technology, especially the 'information technology (IT) "and our dependence on it. (Inter) of the human face to technology

The technology is rapidly penetrating the business for families at the personal lives of human beings. This irrevocable human dependence on technology will impact the deepest on the future of technology. The technology will solve human problems, business problems of just being a part of the bigger picture.

1. People rather than companies are the largest consumers and the success of any new technology company will depend on how it hits the consumer base

2. Cost of the failure of the technology will become unthinkable because of their direct impact on human lives, this will add an extra dimension to security and safety issues for developers of technology

3. Limit between technical and non-technical aspects of our lives will disappear, everything will have to make an express or implied technical basis

4. The transition from good to use an implicit expectation will be accelerated by many folds

The social network for social animals

Statistics show that seven billion people on Earth, more than 1.2 billion are social network users including 82% of the online population.

5. Companies will lift restrictions on social technologies that the borders between employees, suppliers, customers, and will blur, everyone will have to communicate through the social networking channel

6. Social network analysis (SNA) is an important tool for companies and make a valuable contribution to its strategy, marketing, customer segmentation, advertising, etc.

7. Social networks provide a never seen cooperation platform among experts to solve problems through their organizational boundaries

8. Taken advantage of social networks will be a challenge to manage the threat to security and privacy, and technology will face this challenge

Big Data growth

According to an estimation of Big Data business worth $ 100 billion and is growing two times faster than the software industry as a whole.

9. Increasingly new tools that support big DATA

10. Most companies need to accumulate and analyze more data must rethink its strategy and data management approaches

11. The existing database management systems will evolve or deal with large data or eventually disappear

Moving mobility

As over 75% of the estimated global population has no access to a cell phone. Increasing computing power and decreasing the cost of equipment will ensure that everyone in the world very soon have access to a mobile phone and most of them migrate to smart phones and are connected.
12. Smart devices will become a kind of magic wand that we not only stay connected and allow the capture and playback of audio and video content, but also serve as a communication tool, which comes to professional work, moving, being execution of business applications, browsing, payment option, sensors, warning risk system, auxiliary devices, training tool ... the list is virtually endless

13. There will be a boom of applications tailored for portable devices

14. Companies should make their applications support partial or totally portable devices

15. There will be an unprecedented opportunity for individual developers to reach their customers with their own applications (Google - Android App Store already in business and launch of Microsoft Windows Store)

16. Unlike the mobile development platform perhaps consider standardization

Clouds and clouds everywhere

In 2012, 20% of companies have not assets. - 2010 Gartner Report.

17. Offers online services will become profitable and competitive

18. As the Trust will be built for the cloud, reducing the cost of implementations based on the cloud (Infrastructure and Application Platform or both) to avoid companies (due to security and other reasons) will eventually he fit

Adaptation 22. Cloud forcing find providers of solutions to the challenges that the cloud poses:

a. Concerns about the security of financial data and personal information

b. Blocking its customers a technology platform owner

c. Difficult cohabitation with existing and legacy systems

The business models for the future taking shape

Since the speed of change in technology is transforming the world of business to have to rethink their operations to get in line with these changes and seize the opportunities it offers. Business models that are based on the philosophy of "win-win" and are agile enough will survive.

19. There will be a demand for innovative business models, where customers and service providers are treated as partners and combined stakes in the success of the project, new and innovative business models are rapidly replacing existing models

20. The legal aspects are always complicated and governments should formulate laws to deal with new legal challenges

21. IT budgets will be cut, especially in turbulent times without cutting the SLA (so that customers will demand more services at a lower cost)

22. Business models with different sides (where a service is provided in a free society, but B is charged for advertising data or trends, etc.) will gain momentum

23. Service providers to offer "Freemium model" where a service is free for a measure limited to uses beyond what is charged

24. Companies will spread its position in non-traditional markets, rural areas of scope and multinational companies throughout the world to achieve short week

25. Government will increase IT uses for its delivery of public services - education, law, transportation, health, etc., from the utility systems are technology enabled applications that integrate with them will have an impact

New models to replace the existing SDLC

As an article set correctly "Agile is the new cascade", projects will not be able to wait for time to provide functionality much work or the implementation of a change.

26. Reduced time to market and intense competition force companies to adjust their more frequently than previously thought strategies. This will require SDLC models deliver products to work fast. Thus, interactive projects development models replace the default cascade models and their variations. Architecture and development models to support small shipments of the piece will be highlighted

27. faster and faster launches will give a competitive advantage Market

No architecture at the architecture will highlight

Factors such as the Internet, Cloud Computing, Mobility Integration Service and support, etc. cause excessively complicated application architecture. The future of architecture is the architecture that can survive Architecture- its building blocks keep changing.

28. Obsession with technology will be diluted and business needs, etc. will take the stage at the Enterprise Architecture

29. The changes will be requirements faster and faster business, technology, interfaces, non-functional requirements etc.

30. Concepts such as inter-operatibiliy, platform independence, etc. architecture needed to keep moving all the architectural elements - network device, user interface applications for data storage will change and keep changing

31. With decreasing maintenance time window, and increasing the number of interfaces and dependencies, long-term batch will lead to asynchronous processes

32. Several business departments must share their business models and technology to create a strong image

33. The rise of mobile devices and the advent of mobile computing will increase these numbers exponentially.

A global presence of technology and distribution companies virtualization allow organizations to create international teams working in teams to make an impact on how teams are configuration and tasks are managed

34. ​​Most applications will have location capabilities of integrated globalization as a must

35. More and more applications will "Geolocation" inherent capacity (imagine access the card that allows you to search and drill down to an electronic filing address instead of typing up and running validations)

36. The added value provided by the application and services must meet all expectations

37. Increase the popularity and virtualization capabilities help ensure the consolidation under the hardware, software and data

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