10 Steps To Better Coffee Cup

If you are like most coffee drinkers, you probably think you already get a cup of coffee impressive. But chances are you can probably increase quality by following these eleven steps:

1. Use quality coffee beans

Stay out of supermarkets! OK, it is a serious statement, but seriously not buy coffee beans at the supermarket. No one knows when it was roasted and this is critical, crucial in the fresh coffee. These grains are known to be obsolete, if the gravity boxes (especially obsolete!) Nobody really knows how long the beans were in boxes or bags. Buy your coffee from an independent coffee roaster region or craft of coffee that can check the date of roasting. This is the only way to know you're buying freshly roasted coffee beans gourmet quality. Your reputation is on the line for them to fight for the best quality freshly roasted coffee.

2. Remove properly store your beans in the original packaging and place in an airtight container like Tupperware or Glad Ware. Extreme light and keep the coffee in a glass jar on the counter can cause a deterioration of its beans, allowing your end of the cup of coffee taste bland or more.

Refrigerators and coffee houses many odors is very porous. It will act as a sponge odor is on the ground or grain. Freezers can cause freezer burn and aromatic oils to crack and lose flavor. These oils are where the flavor is. Storage in the freezer freezes the condensation surface each time that the coffee is removed from the freezer.

Excess humidity causes beans obsolete more quickly and shorten the life of your coffee a cool, dry, dark place is recommended for storage.

3. A
dequate grinding and milling immediately before use

The coffee material grinding. Your coffee should be ground for the type of brewing method you use. Coarse for French press and single serve well for espresso. Espresso grinds should feel like somewhere between sugar and icing sugar. In addition, using a coffee grinder burr your get less friction of a typical blade grinder grinds giving it less likely to be burned during the grinding.

Coffee is very porous and absorbs odors and air (oxygen) very fast. Oxygen will make your taste of really bad coffee!

4. Measure correctly

Weigh your coffee before grinding. To make a good well rounded cup of coffee, you must use approximately.75oz (22g) of coffee beans for each eight ounces of cold water.

5. Temperature of the purified water should

Fresh, clean running water (purified is best) or quality spring water is recommended. Do not use mineral water, distilled water or tap water with any type of odor. This will make your taste bad coffee. Good coffee house will cost about $ 200, but they are worth and last much longer. If you can, try the single cup pour over the available methods or other brewing methods, such as French press or siphon. The taste difference is remarkable. Google search each method for more information.

6. Brew just enough to drink

Leave your fresh coffee sit waiting is not a good idea. Constant "keep warm" mode, as this will make the bitter taste. If you have to mature over a cup and will not end right away, get a hot air AIRPOT tight container to keep it.

7. Cool

Leaving your fresh coffee at about 170 degrees (black coffee), you will not only avoid burning your mouth, you'll also experience a more enjoyable coffee because you can enjoy the true essence of this coffee is all about : brightness, chocolate notes, notes of citrus, spices. If you insist pour the cream and sugar in your coffee, forget # 7 and # 8, respectively!

8. B
lack drink

This is the purist coffee connoisseur me out! I drank my coffee with cream and sugar all the time, until entered years ago, the coffee business. Company decided cream and sugar was the norm because of bad tasting coffee, not because coffee tastes bad. Coffee used to be bitter as a rule, but it was his father's cup! Ick! This is the old-school coffee made from Robusta beans, a low quality coffee. Today, high-quality coffee beans are called Arabica and you get them from cafes and coffee roasters in hand. When the beans are blended and roasted black coffee is not bitter.

9. Take the rest of brewed coffee

This is part of paragraph 6 above, but deserves its own paragraph. If you left brewed more coffee spent an hour in a different airport or airtight container, discarding. Fresh coffee has a good shelf life and cook himself in a container not part of it.

10. Discard leftover coffee beans

Coffee beans have a life span of about 21 days from the day it is roasted. Like to drink mine within 10 days, but it's still just geek coffee. If you can cover your coffee for use within 21 days from the day it is cooked, you'll have a cup of better and superior taste.

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