Top Tips How To Remove A Virus From My Computer

How to Remove A Virus from My Computer?

Remove A Virus From My Computer Reviews ~ If get a pound for every time was asked, "How do I get rid of a computer virus" Live on a small uninhabited island sipping a cold one! If your computer is already infected, the best tools to remove them. If technical terms that are not clear about, made a short glossary at the end of this article to help.

What is a computer virus?

A virus is a piece of software installed on your computer without your consent and can hold a variety of behaviors to slow down the performance of the machines may destroy all data, including precious family photos. While the world has an infatuation with the word "virus" other names you may hear include Trojan horses; Search engines; Adware; Browser hijackers, and more often now, ransomware. Viruses and names just mentioned are all members of the same family of malicious software called malware. Confused? There are many tools on the internet software that is specially designed to detect and neutralize the virus and restore the system to the pre-infection level of performance - and a little 'better is one of the good ones are FREE! Companies that write these tools have a monumental task to try to produce a "correction" for each virus. Always install two antivirus engines and three if remove a virus for a friend or family member.

How do I know if my computer is infected?

If you opt for the paid version of the antivirus program, you can set times and allows to perform scans at the time favorites.

How did my computer become infected?

This can be very difficult to diagnose, but common types of infection:

Clicking on an 'ad' harmful while surfing the Internet
Opening an attachment malicious email
An infected USB stick - this is now so common.
Downloading music or movies from sources misleading

Top tips to stay protected are:

Always the Windows operating system up to date. The companies that developed the operating system - the operating system shortly before spending too much time writing 'patch' to close vulnerabilities in their software. When in doubt - ignore. Many of the large companies-mail to offer a degree of protection, but with an estimated 92% of all e-mail are global or spam or virus related companies have an uphill challenge. Infected USB sticks are a nightmare. You will make them happy with you from car to car and their connection to a printer at the supermarket and then the computer in internet cafe - transmission of the virus faster lice in a class! Always perform a full scan of a USB stick when you use it on another computer. Que? Free movies from a torrent site may seem like a good idea, but you run the risk of paying an emotional price run quite heavy if you lose your files accordingly.

How can I remove a virus?

To remove a virus, you are going to need some software. There are many anti-virus programs out there, but some are downright hopeless. Spent many years experimenting with and testing a variety of products and the return time to time - and they are free!

1) Malwarebytes - for free!

The best product is free Malwarebytes. The people behind Malwarebytes also offer a premium product that is not free, but for now we will focus on the free version.

2) SUPERAntiSpyware - for free!

3) FreeAVG - for free!

It is an innovative product that offers much more than just a tool to remove aninfection. Recommend to my friends and family continue this race scanning the websites as they browse to detect viruses embedded in the site.

A warning before you turn on an antivirus program ...

Sometimes malware such as viruses, is so ingrained in the computer files which can, when infections are clean, your computer may be adversely affected, and data may be lost. I suggest backing up important files and can be accessed on a USB drive clean before the virus removal tool. You can get a good USB external drive backup resize all your valuable documents online retailers such as Amazon purchase. Western Digital is an excellent brand that I recommend. Oh, and the next time you connect the USB drive to a computer should be scanned for viruses!

Glossary Useful (This can also impress your friends and family when they are released in a conversation!)


Short for advertising-supported software. Adware in the context that we are discussing here is pop-up ads trying to sell products that appear on the computer screen.


A piece of software that scans files on the computer to detect the infected files and remove.


Comes from the word robot.


This is the program you use to surf the Internet. The most common browsers Safari if you are an Apple Mac user or Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, even if you're a Windows user. Read article on the browser - especially if you use Internet Explorer!

Browser Hijacking

So now you know what a browser. A common form of malware, browser hijackers.


Some websites have hidden viruses in them, they are copied or downloaded 'to your computer while browsing - this is known as embedding. A great tool malware can detect this for you and avoid preventable infection.


A piece of software corrects or counteracts infection.

Full Scan

Most antivirus programs, they have options to not only scan the most common locations infected the entire file contents of files.


Short for malicious software. Malware is a software designed to interrupt the operation of a computer device. Malware comes in the forms of the virus; Trojan; worms; spyware; adware and ransomware.


Small windows or ads that are 'on top' appearance of your web browser.


Pronounced fishing is an illegal attempt to try to obtain sensitive information such as credit card information or passwords by e-mail and Web sites posing as legitimate businesses.


Installed software from the manufacturer, and is the first time you use the device.


A piece of software that when installed, lock or 'crypt' files and only provide access in exchange for a fee.


A small piece of computer code designed to identify a specific problem to solve in a piece of software.

Safe Mode

A very limited version of Microsoft Windows that can be used to gain access to a system problem initiate in the usual manner.


A small computer file that contains data of a computer virus specifically to find on an infected machine.


A program on a computer that enables a user is able to complete a series of actions or instructions.


Unsolicited e-mails often contain advertising. Please check your e-mail address! Over 90% of emails are spam worldwide.


It's not the kind of DIY! A piece of software that allows a task to carry out removal of a virus.


A platform for sharing files that allow you to share files such as movies or downloaded. 


Many "trojan" computer can be controlled or accessed by a remote hacker.


A form of malware that can multiply and cause significant data loss in the process.

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