Arabica coffee beans are the first to be the first coffee beans in the world. The true gourmet coffee café that specializes either from a source or produced blending.
The specialty of coffee is grown small and medium-sized property of coffee-producing families that are generating specifically for generations in small businesses. Living with a coffee farm is costly, dangerous and demanding in time. So small farmers depend on coffee associations, business associations, trade unions and organizations similar to helping small farmers today in competitive domestic and international markets to be successful as coffee communities.
Compliance with sustainable practices is a tried and tested method to ensure a stable source of coffee recipe.
For example,
The Coffee Farm:
Farmers must gain access to financial credit, renew and develop coffee plantations. In addition, access to markets, nationally and internationally, is a prerequisite for increasing value for special gourmet coffee. The education and regular education for sustainability and quality help organic farmers. These standards are good for the environment and help produce higher quality beans.
Community programs Coffee:
Coffee associations, professional organizations, organizations or groups that depend on the democratic process with regular elections to choose the people who represent the interests of the peasant members. The programs offered by these organizations include educational, technical and technological training, infrastructure maintenance and health education. The idea is to implement practical projects that benefit its members in a real way, such as the construction of water pipes, schools, roads, hospitals and health centers. In remote and poor rural areas, social coffee programs are the only means of survival that can be. What is this; This program uses coffee projects that benefit threatened by special issues of the coffee communities Juan Valdez.
Technology and Virtual Access:
Globalization is for the specialist coffee grower or it can be. The surrounding area is no longer a limit for small coffee producers in remote brown growing areas in Latin America, Ethiopia and Papua New Guinea. However, farmers should focus on agriculture and land management. CCI for example, operates connectivity centers accessible to all its members in suitable locations for installation. This is a practical way for farmers to train technology in the use of information and communications. Partitioning is the interest for members who benefit from it.
Environmental protection:
Nothing happens with coffee trade without healthy, rich and well-kept spaces. Growing coffee depends entirely on conservation and biodiversity in coffee habitats. Check with nature certify the consistent application of friendly practices and one of the most important activities in a coffee community. Corridors of biodiversity conservation must exist during the coffee region. These runners include hydrological drainage basins protected ground and restructuring where the trees were cut, or natural erosion caused.
Water protection is also important to learn for farmers as well as water consumption in terms of weight and volume to reduce washed coffee. Adaptation of new varieties of coffee environments with different climatic conditions and sediment patterns is another way to create new coffee quarters. Especially the Cup beans to go from the farm have the high quality requirements for niche coffee gourmet coffee satisfy the markets.
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