Everything About BMI (Body Mass Index)?

BMI (Body Mass Index)?

Body mass index (BMI) is often used in an attempt to measure how much material a person, a human, a range of height and weight in a healthy person is weak, so the application / GG events or fat within normal limits.
BMI (m) height (measured in kilograms) by dividing the weight of a person on the square, and therefore there kilograms per square meter. Weight and / or (for example, the weight of pounds or inches in height) measured in the same units the size of a person's circumstances, you can use a conversion table or chart.
Besides this, many online BMI calculator can calculate the BMI, there are many of them free, regardless of the use of English or metric units.


In general, BMI intervals are as follows:

18.5 The following weak
18.5 25 - Normal
25 30 - Heavy
30 - Fat
The study population in these areas, and the discussion and time to set up. For example, the usual recommended limits on body types in Southeast Asia and 23, 1998 in the United States before the normal range greater than 27.8 for a cap.

Furthermore, regardless of the line used, the IMC is a very imperfect measure of obesity:

The results are usually considered for children or pregnant women. BMI frame size, will not be accepted. BMI is the wrong height: short, of course, may be more vulnerable to deceive people, and, of course, thicker than people think.

BMI forecasts that the total mass of tissue, and did not consider whether it is fat or muscle mass. (Fat BMI may be in the region of) a large amount of muscle mass gained a large amount of oil actually less active face, very different situation. So my BMI is useless restrictions?

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