Ashwagandha Improve Immunity and Vigor


Ashwagandha is an indigenous Indian herb that is popular in the West as the winter cherry. The Indian name of the plant literally means 'horse smell' (= Ashwa horse gandha = smell). It is so called because its root smells like horse urine when wet. Ashwagandha is a small to medium sized herb, growing up to 1.5 meters maximum with small green flowers that grow in clusters of about 25 in number. The main ingredient is ashwagandha medical somniferine, an alkaloid that is found in all parts of the plant. The oil from the roots extracted consists of two components - a soluble part and a water part in the water. The water soluble portion contains a little sugar as the water-insoluble part contains fatty acids and other nutrients. Furthermore, the oil in ashwagandha tannin, glucose, potassium nitrate and various alkaloids is also rich.


The following curative properties of ashwagandha are made use of in Ayurvedic medicine: -

Ashwagandha is best known for its stimulating properties on the libido. Ashwagandha is a mild hypnotic. (III) Ashwagandha is effective in the treatment of disorders of the urinary tract. Ashwagandha is an antibiotic and an antibacterial agent.


Ashwagandha is indispensable in various constituents of Ayurvedic medicine.


Ashwagandha is used in opening the airways and treatment of diseases that originate in the chest cavity. If a person has a cold, then the root is taken ashwagandha powder in quantities of three grams. ashwagandha root decoction used in people. Similarly, fruit and seeds of the ashwagandha complaints are also used for resolving chest.


The leaves of the ashwagandha are boiled in water, and the steam is used to stimulate the eyes. This relieves the pain and itching of the eyes sore.


Both dyspepsia and anorexia treated with ashwagandha. Ashwagandha soothes Pitta is responsible for digestion and brings the body into a state of normality.


Due to its hypnotic properties prescribed ashwagandha the people who are deep in the night can not sleep.

oss of libido in men

Ashwagandha is an aphrodisiac, especially for men. To increase the sexual performance of men, Ayurvedic doctors prescribe under three or four grams of the root with a carrier, such as milk or ghee at least half an hour before the sexual act carries. Prepared for a permanent treatment of these problems, ashwagandha preparation with sugar, honey, pepper and ghee. In addition to increasing libido ashwagandha can also treat male problems like spermatorrhea and premature ejaculation.


Ashwagandha is taken three grams per day for the treatment of geriatric problems such as rheumatism in doses. The root of the ashwagandha is used for this purpose.

Skin Problems

Ashwagandha has properties very effective skin problems during treatment. Its roots and leaves are ground into a paste and applied externally ulcers, carbuncles and swelling treat. For bedsores and wounds, ashwagandha leaves are boiled in fat or ghee and applied.

he sterility in women

Ashwagandha can treat infertility in women and help them fathered a child. Its roots are powdered and taken in quantities of six grams with milk.


Ashwagandha has antibacterial properties, the use in the treatment of syphilis are prepared. A paste of its leaves is applied to syphilitic sores repeatedly.


In the treatment of tuberculosis, Ashwagandha is used as follows. The decoction of the root is prepared with pepper and honey. This decoction is used to treat tuberculosis.
Ayurveda Special products

Below are some Ayurvedic preparations in which ashwagandha is the main ingredient: -

ehya Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is familiar into a fine paste as linctus. This is lehya Ashwagandha is taken for all diseases that can be cured with the consumption of Ashwagandha.


Ashwagandharishta is a very valuable extract of ashwagandha with several other herbs like Manjishta, yashti, Arjuna, candana etc. It is used as a general tonic in several medical problems, including weakness, digestive problems and psychotic problems like hallucinations.


Ashwagandha is a very beneficial herb, but should never be prescribed to pregnant women.

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