The DJI Phantom Vision Worth It?

DJI is a leading developer of unmanned aerial vehicles, specifically multirotor trade. Multirotor refers to the design feature that has multiple engines and rotors. One of the most popular vehicles is the quadrirotor of multirotor. Unlike traditional helicopters, vehicles multirotor fixed pitch rotors and maneuver by changing the individually adjustable engine speed through a complex flight control panel.

DJI has developed a highly sophisticated flight control software provides a very stable platform for aerial photography and other applications. The last entry in the range of flight DJI products is the DJI Phantom Vision. This is the successor to the very popular Ghost DJI. The Phantom was very popular and allowed anyone to fly right out of the box. The Phantom Vision takes a step further by providing a view to the first person (FPV) streaming video camera live experience 1080p HD attached via Wi-Fi to your tablet or smartphone. Not as good as GoPro, but no recording in 1080p and has a 14MP camera. It can also take photos in RAW format, which is an improvement over the GoPro. The application of the device allows you to change settings while the DJI Phantom Vision is always in the air. You can change ISO, white balance, set a time for photos. The application also displays altitude, speed and distance from home. A compass is also used to help out where the return home and if you get in trouble and accident, the Phantom will send the coordinates of your last known GPS so you can retrieve it.

The transmitter has been modified to work in 5.8GHz and 2.4GHz WiFi operates in. The integration of the battery is significantly improved and the view seems much more simplified. The 5200 mAh LiPo batteries offer up to 25 minutes of flight time. For example, if you purchased the DJI Phantom predecessor, you would spend $ 450. If you are looking for a fully integrated quadrirotor FPV, ready to fly, recommend the Phantom Vision. If you are not looking for this, then maybe try the DJI Phantom, or the same blade MQX.

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