File Formats For EBook Reader Reviews

It seems that everyone and his dog looking to buy an electronic book reader. Increasingly hitting the stores and becomes a task increasingly difficult for reviews of eBook readers to accompany the constant changes.

Take for example the inclusion of some manufacturers, anyway, what seems to be the new default file format for electronic publishing. Let's take a look at the most popular formats used by e-book publishers, explain a little about them and see why it is important to format the e-book reader device that you choose to buy media.

Original Sony eBook Reader (.lrf)

Original Sony eBook Reader (.lrf)

The first Sony cameras, models like the PRS-505 and PRS-700, were used only their own proprietary format. Books purchased from your site could be used on your device, but bought books say Amazon could not be read. Yes, they have many titles, but corporate practice to publish in their own proprietary file format was and still is extremely restrictive.

The Kindle eBook Reader (.azw)

The Kindle eBook Reader (.azw)

Like Sony, Amazon Kindle has also decided to go on the road proprietary formats, at least to some extent. Electronic books sold online bookstore Amazon are available the.AZW format that can be read on the Kindle.

Mobipocket (MOBI)

Mobipocket (MOBI)

Unlike the two examples above, this format was not developed for any particular eBook reader, but software. Mobipocket software is available for free download and can be distributed by manufacturers and their books. This makes the versatile format for publishers and readers. We talked about as a future format for electronic publishing file that was effective until sizing text for smaller screen sizes, different.

Adobe Reader (.PDF)

Adobe Reader (.PDF)

Probably the best known of all text file formats / image. It must be emphasized, however, the Adobe .pdf format works well on computer screens, giving a clear facsimile and sharp text, but the clarity suffers by trying to reduce the image to fit small screens most e-book readers use.

The ePub (.epub)

The ePub (.epub)

This format is relatively new open and free standard. It is light, that the consequences of these small devices such as electronic book readers, and automatically, or more to the point, success resizes text to the size of each camera screen. Then there is the file format "normal" as as.rtf, and.doc .txt who are more familiar. These enable you to read text documents with the grassroots, but are more documents from your computer as e-books.

As you can see on the files to eBook Reader comments formats that I made earlier, it really makes a difference what file formats are supported. When looking to buy an electronic book reader is best to find one that not only supports most file formats, but supports the file formats that the publishing industry and not just a company actually publishes.

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