Women's Hockey Gets Higher Online!

The Ice Hockey women has come a long way in a relatively short period. In 1987, the World Hockey Tournament first woman occurred. In 1990, the first world championships fully sanctioned IIHF women took place. In 1992, the International Olympic Committee voted to add women's hockey to your winter Olympic events calendar. In Canada, hockey is played most of the women in the CIS (Canadian Interuniversity Sport list), represented by 29 schools in four divisions. In the US, women's hockey is played mainly in the Division I NCAA represented by 33 schools in four divisions.
These Canadian hockey programs and the American University and College women hockey products Household names like Hayley Wickenheiser, Cassie Campbell, Angela Ruggiero and Cammi Granato. Before these women, female models playing hockey were virtually nonexistent. Hockey Scouts and Hockey Coaches can now sit in the comfort of their offices or homes, instead of the hard benches in the icy slopes and quickly search for the young man who will help your hockey team win championships. Whether you are a young woman who wants to spend Midget hockey in high school hockey hockey program or prep school, or a young man who has his sights to play in the NCAA or CIS, now, an online hockey recruiting and assessment service can help and hockey scouts, recruiters and hockey coaches to succeed at the same time.

Taking advantage of Internet technology, a hockey player can now send personalized drive own unique profile for a team of database and the schools they want to play, and include photos and individual videos, to show their hockey skills to determine their own future in hockey. in particular hockey women suffer from a financial imbalance as compared to their male counterparts, with women hockey scouting players at a distinct disadvantage.

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