Top 5 Graphing Calculators

Graphing Calculator is a kind of handheld calculator that is able to draw graphs, perform a variety of tasks with varying and even perform simultaneous equations. When connected to these devices, the computer will act as a data logger. Other graphing calculators have graphic displays and 3D Contour. If you want to have a graphing calculator, here are 5 of the best calculators on the market today.
    Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator: This calculator is calculation, engineering, trigonometric and financial. It has a USB port for sharing files with other calculators or connect to a PC. It displays graphs and tables split screen to draw the graph while scrolling the table value. HP 50g

    Graphing Calculator: This is a powerful SD card slot allows you to format your calculator and develop memory. It also has a total memory massive 2.5Mb, 512 KB RAM and 2MB flash ROM for future updates.
    Texas TI-89 Titanium Graphing Calculator Instruments: It deals with arithmetic, algebra, matrices and statistical functions. It has plenty of storage space for functions, programs and data.
    Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator graphic: Shows the tables and charts on a split screen so that you can draw graphics while scrolling the values ​​of the table. It also has a USB port on the thumb of the technology so you can share files with other calculators or connect to a PC.
    Casio fx-9860G Slim Graphing Calculator: This calculator has a 64 KB RAM and 1.5MB flash ROM. Its screen size is 64x128 pixels and has an icon menu interface.

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