The Incredible Hulk

"The Incredible Hulk" was a series of popular American TV that lasted from 1977 to 1982. It is based on the Marvel comic character originally by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee He played Bill Bixby as the main character -. Dr. David Banner and Lou Ferringo, a professional bodybuilder, the role of Hulk.

Although it is based on the comic book character, it really is a base coward as the writer, director and producer Kenneth Johnson has made a number of changes to the televised version. Probably the most notable change was the name. "The Incredible Hulk" The comic fans will be quick to note that the first name of Dr. Flag was "Bruce" and not "David". However, Johnson made the change because he did not try to correlate their show with the mythology of the comic, but wanted to take the show in a different direction of the story lines presented in the original comic. Johnson believes the best red meaning "angry" that green. Other changes made by Johnson include a change in the original origin story to make it more credible and less sensationalistic. In addition, in the television series, Hulk could not speak, but in the comics, the varied expression capacity. In addition, the overall strength has been limited in the television show, unlike the comics. A final change made by Johnson was the cast of supporting characters. He refrained to use the comic characters in the television adaptation.

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